Monday, December 31, 2007
Learning resistance in West Timor (Indonesia)
Date: 2003
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This case study, set in the south central highlands of West Timor, Indonesia, presents a range of strategies used by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local farmers to resist the mining of two marble peaks. The narrative, set within the context of political developments in Indonesia in recent years, is presented through several genres to enhance an ethnographic exploration of learning in a context of resistance. Some of the issues explored in the telling of the tale include gender and resistance, and the juxtaposition of NGO and farmer strategies of resistance as shaped by their different relationships to social and political institutions of the nation-state.
The study, however, is not limited only to a discussion of strategies, the “what and how” of resistance-resistance as curriculum-but also looks at resistance as a learning regime, the heuristic occasion for the articulation of identity in which those on the underside of power assert human identity over an identity as victims. The analysis of resistance as learning regime draws on a local hermeneutical framework that situates recognition as a response to the epistemological violation inherent in the mining, rehearsal as response to cultural violation, and reciprocity as a response to economic violation. This privileging of recognition, rehearsal, and reciprocity is the perspective from which I argue that subsistence agriculture is a way of life that integrates rather than separates cultural, ecological, economic, and epistemological aspects of identity. As such, it is a viable alternative to projects of unsustainable economic development, such as mining marble, that tear apart ecological systems and the ways of life embedded in those systems in order to control them.
Bibliografi on Timor Tengah Selatan - Versi OPC4.KITLV.PICA.NL
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| 11. | Pengaduan : hukuman berdiri camat | |
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| 12. | Peradilan sesat | |
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| 13. | Hoi ... mana janjimu, Bapak? | |
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| 14. | Jeruk : Si Manis babak belur | |
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| 15. | East Timor : refugees at risk | |
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| 16. | From lord of the earth of village head : adapting to the nation-state in West Timor | |
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| 17. | Laporan Bupati Kepala Daerah Tingkat II Timor Tengah Selatan, disampaikan dalam rangka pelaksanaan program penanggulangan GAKI melalui bantuan Bank Dunia di Jakarta, tanggal 15-16 Pebruari 1998 | |
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| 18. | The contribution of anthropology to the Nusa Tenggara Timur pilot livestock development project | |
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| 19. | Male circumcision in South Central Timor : a rite de passage in the time of AIDS | |
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| 20. | Rainfall distribution in West Timor : temporal and spatial characteristics, regional frequency analysis and drought identification | |
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| 21. | Pola dasar pembangunan daerah Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Timor Tengah Selatan 1989-1994 | |
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| 22. | Timor Tengah Selatan dalam fakta, masalah dan harapan | |
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| 23. | Timor Tengah selatan dalam fakta, masalah dan harapan dalam bentuk transparant | |
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| 24. | Pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur | |
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| 25. | Tata bahasa Dawan | |
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| 26. | Selintas Timor Tengah Selatan | |
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| 27. | Sistem pengendalian sosial tradisional Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur | |
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| 28. | Fakta, masalah, harapan Timor Tengah Selatan | |
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| 29. | Bingkai budaya Timor Tengah Selatan : suatu hasil penelitian | |
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| 30. | Panduan kesepakatan adat 2 Mei 1988 | |
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| 31. | Lintasan sejarah perkembangan pendidikan dasar di Kabupaten Dati II TTS : tinjauan sepintas | |
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| 32. | Ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa : study tentang konsep taqwa terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dalam sistim sosial budaya masyarakat kelurahan niki-niki, Kec. Amanuban, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Propinsi Nusatenggara Timur | |
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| 33. | Studi potensi sumberdaya alam lahan terbatas (agroforestry) di Nusa Tenggara Timur | |
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| 34. | Penelitian suku terasing di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Neonleni, Anas | |
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| 35. | Hasil pendaftaran rumah tangga di Timor Tengah Selatan : sensus pertanian 1983 | |
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| 36. | Timor Tengah Selatan dalam angka tahun ... | |
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| 37. | West Timor nature conservation areas | |
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| 38. | Rencana umum Daerah Kupang dan Timor Tengah Selatan (wilayah pengembangan parsial 6 Nusa Tenggara Timur) : final report | |
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| 39. | Rencana umum daerah Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat 2 Timor Tengah Selatan | |
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| 40. | Laporan hasil survey tata desa: Kecamatan Mollo Utara, Daerah Tingkat 2 Timor Tengah Selatan, Daerah Tingkat 1 Nusa Tenggara Timur | |
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