Thursday, June 30, 2005
Catalog of East Nusa Tenggara
Catalog on Flores, Sumba, Timor
GEMILANG 144: Nusa Tenggara Tengah (Flores, Sumba, Sumbawa, Timor & Dependencies)
1 ABINENO, J.L.Ch., Liturgische vormen en patronen in de Evangelische Kerk op Timor (:Liturgical Forms and Patterns in the Evangelical Church in Timor). Orig. thesis. 's-Gravenhage, 1956. Large 8°. orig. wraps., 155pp. Summary in English. EUR 45.00
¶ Thesis Utrecht.
2 ADRIANI, N. & Alb.C. KRUYT, Geklopte boomschors als Kleedingstof op Midden-Celebes en hare geographische verspreiding in Indonesië. With notes, register, supplement and corrections by J.D.E. Schmeltz."IAE", Bd. XIV/XVI.Leiden,Brill, 1905. sm.4°. recent cloth, new endpapers, orig.printed wraps. bound-up. [1], 78pp. Num. col. ills. on 5 lithogr. plates o.o.t., 20 text-figs. and diagrammes, descr. to plates, register and suppl. notes by J.D.E. Schmelz.["Publicaties uit 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum", Serie II, V°.4]. EUR 650.00
¶ Frontisp. depicts 2 Kayan-Dayak, Upper Mahakam, working on barktree. On the production of clothing from bark-tree:"Tapa", amongst the Toraja of Central-Sulawesi, and the geogr. spread of this technique of clothing-production across colonial Indonesia (:Borneo, Kayan/Dusun Dayak), Sumatra (Batak of Mandailing), Enggano, Ceram, Kei-Island group, Babar, Leti, Kisar, Tanembar islands, Flores, Adonare, Solor, Timor, Roti and Savu, Semau Island (Kupang-Bay), &c...A very important study. Very good copy. Rare. (2pp. with marginal foxing).
3 ANONYMOUS, Kesimpoelan-kesimpoelan dan Kepoetoesan-kepoetoesan moe'tamar di Malino. Komisariat Pemerintah Oemoem Borneo dan Timoer Besar. S.L.[Batavia],s.d.[circa], 1946. orig.printed wraps. 23pp. EUR 30.00
¶ Report on the Malino-conference, being the regulations for Borneo and the Timor-Archipelago, results of negotiations between the dutch and the Indonesian Republic.
4 ARNDT, P.[P]. (SVD), Gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse der Ngadha. Orig. edn. Wien-Mödling,St. Gabriel, 1954. large 8°. orig.clothbacked black lettered boards. Hftitle(verso blank).(xii), 543pp. list of contents, legenda to fold. map at end of volume printed on [2]pp. ["Studia Insituti Anthropos, vol. 8"]. EUR 295.00
¶ Author collected material for this study in loco since 1924, i.e. before the christianization of the Ngadha, a tribe living at Southcoast Flores (Lesser Sunda Islands, Eastern Indonesia), although he remarks that interrelations as studied in this work, have not really changed under the influence of christianity. After a concise description of country, population and indigenous scripture, author thoroughly analyzes social relations among the Ngadha: Marriage and married life, the child, cross-cousin relations, Clans and ranks & files, village-structure, occupations & possessions, judicial structure and penal law. An excellent study. Good copy. Rare.(name on first blank, fr.inner joint somewhat weakening but still tight, corners somewhat damaged, 1 with a bump, bump to upper and lower margin of upper cover).
5 ARNDT, P.P. (SVD), Die Megalithenkultur des Nad'a (Flores). Offpr. from: "ANTRHOPOS, XXVII, 1932.". Wien, (1932). Large 8°, orig. printed wraps., pp.(11)-63, stapled. 8 Ills. on 4 plates, with captions, o.o.t. EUR 55.00
¶ Discussing & describing (:) kota, nabe, vatu leva, etc. (lower wrap. gone, staples rusty, somewh. dog-eared, occas. heavily underlined in ink throughout, some annots. in ink in margins.)
6 ARNDT, P.P. (SVD), Die Religion der Nad'a (West-Flores, Kleine Sunda Inseln)"Anthropos, XXVI, 1931".Wien, 1931. 8°, original blind wraps. with title-label. pp.(817)-861; 353-405; 697-739, ills. on 14 plates, being very clear field-photos, mainly of anthropological nature, but many ills. also depicting housing of the Nad'a. EUR 205.00
¶ Excellent study on the religion of the Nad'a. Rare.
7 BADER, H., Die Reifefeiern bei den Ngada (Mittel-Flores, Indonesien). Orig. thesis. [Freiburg University]. Mödling, 1951. Small 8°, original wraps., (viii), 146pp., 3 sketch-maps, bibliography, extensive foot-notes. EUR 115.00
¶ Initiation-rites as observed with the Ngada of Central-Flores, the first part deals with the initiation-rites for boys (circumcision, tattooing, etc.), the 2nd part deals with rites for girls (filing of teeth), also as compared with other tribes on Flores & elsewhere in the Archipelago (: the Toraja, the DAYAK & on Nias). Scarce. (copy heavily underlined & annotated in ink throughout, by an unknown scientist, lower wrp. loose, stamp on upper wrp.)
8 BANGS, R. & CHR. KALLEN, Islands of Fire, Islands of Spice. Exploring the Wild Places of Indonesia. Orig. edn.San Francisco, 1988. 4°. orig. cloth, dustjacket. (xi), 226pp. Num. fine col. plates and text-ills, double-p. col. map of the area, index. EUR 60.00
¶ A lavishly illustrated work on country and population, natural history of modern Indonesia: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali, Nusa Tenggara (Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores, &c.), Sulawesi and Irian Yaya. Very fine copy.
9 BARBIER, P. Art de l'Indonésie Archaïque In: "Musées de Genève, 217." pp.2-10 a.o. artt. Small 8°, original pictorial wraps. (Geneve, Juillet-Aout 1981). With 8 text-ills. showing Archaic arts of Indonesia (: Nias, Flores, Sarawak, Savu) & a sketch-map. EUR 40.00
10 BASSECOUR CAAN, H.B. DE LA, Uit het Dagboek van Willem Luyke. Zendeling van het Nederlandsch Zendeling-Genootschap. Rotterdam, 1917. Small 8°, pict. wraps., 36pp., portr. & 2 plates. "Lichtstralen op den Akker der Wereld, 23 (1917)." EUR 35.00
¶ Diary of a missionary on Letti.
11 BEKKUM, W. VAN, Manggaraische Kunst. Leiden, 1946. Small 8°, original printed wraps., (8)pp. of text, 52 ills. on 8 plates o.o.t., 2 plans & 2 sketch-maps. ["Koninklijke Vereeniging Indisch Instituut, Meded. no. LXVIII-Afd. Volkenkunde No. 21".]. EUR 70.00
¶ Woordcarvings on houses at Todo & Pongkor, other crafts as found among the Manggarai of Flores. Scarce. (small part of lower right corner of upper-wrap clipped).
12 BINNERTS, C., "Alles is in orde, Heeren...!" Een dagboek van het eiland Flores uit het jaar 1943. Orig. edn. Amsterdam, 1947. Small 8°. orig. lettered wraps. 106pp. EUR 55.00
¶ Diary of a POW May-Dec. 1943, the voyage by SS "Tazima Maru" from Java to Flores & the stay at Maumere-camp. Scarce original edn.
13 BROUWER, H.A., Gesteenten van Oost-Nederlandsch"Ned.Timor Exped. II, Jaarboek Mijnwezen, Year 45-1(1916)".Leiden, 1918. Recent clothbbackedorig.wraps. 194pp. ills. on 12 heliotype plates, with descr. on separate pp. EUR 70.00
¶ Petrogr. research of rocks & sediments of Eastern Timor. (ex-lib. stamps, BPM Library copy).
14 BURGER, A., Voorlopige Manggaraise Spraakkunst. In:"BKI, vol. 103-1"(1946).'s-Gravenhage, [1946]., later stiff blind wraps. pp.[16] - 265. Ext. foot-notes, list of contents at end. EUR 125.00
¶ An important provisional Manggarai Grammar (Flores), with orig.text and transcription, as compiled by a S.V.D. missionary working for an extended time among the Manggarai of Flores. The grammar is preceded by an orbituary for N.J.Krom by F.D.K. Bosch, pp. 1-14, with a portrait. Mint copy. Rare.
15 CALLINAN, B.J., Independent Company. The 2/2 and 2/4 Australian independent companies in Portuguese Timor, 1941-1943. Forew. by V. Sturler (Lt.General), Introd. chapter by Nevill Shute. Orig. edn.Melbourne-London-Toronto, 1953. orig. cloth, title-label on spine. (xxxiii), 235pp. 11 plates, operational sketch-maps, map on endpaper, index. Good copy. Scarce EUR 85.00
16 CAMPBELL, A., The Double Reds of Timor. 1st. Swanbourne, nd. (c.1995), Cloth, pict. col. dj., (xii), 177pp. Portrs., plates, text-ills., list of names of men killed in action, Timor 1942, embarkation roll, lists of names of Platoon-members. EUR 70.00
¶ The actions of 2/2nd. Independent Company A.I.F. ("Double Reds") in Eastern Timor against the Japanese, 1942. Fine copy.
17 COLLINS, G.E., East Monsoon. N.Y., 1937. cloth, dj. 288pp. front., ills. on 13 plates, 2 full-p. sketch-maps. EUR 90.00
¶ Narrative of a trip through Eastern Indonesia, sailing the seas & visiting the Islands. (South Sulawesi, Flores, Timor, etc.). Good copy. Scarce. (some underlinings throughout).
18 CONRAD, J., Overwinning. Roman (Transl. from the English). Amsterdam, nd., Thick 8°, pictorial hfcloth, 380pp. EUR 0.00
¶ Novel situated on Portuguese Timor.
19 COOLHAAS, W.Ph., Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Manggaraische Volk. (West-Flores). In: "TAG, 1942." pp.(148)-177; pp.(328)-360. sm. 8°. modern wrs. ills. on 6 plates (field-photos), full-p. tables, fold. sketch-map with legenda. EUR 70.00
¶ Contribution to the knowledge of the people of Manggarai (Western Flores) (:) life-cycle, birth, marriage, childhood, death & burial, economic position, means of subsistence, geography, climate.
20 CORNELISSEN, P.F., Missie-Arbeid onder Japanse Bezetting. Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Floresmissie. Edited by P.A.A. Steyl-Tegelen, 1949. Small 8°, orig. printed wraps, col. dustjacket. 169pp., frontisp.-port. of the author, ills. on 7 plates, folded sketch-map showing the Apostolical Vicary of the Lesser Sunda-Islands. EUR 70.00
¶ Experiences of father Cornelissen (S.V.D.) on japanese occupied Flores during the pacific war, short periods of internment, visit of some japanese bishops, etc.Good copy.
21 COUVREUR, A.J.L. & B.M. GOSLINGS, De Timorgroep en de Zuid-Wester-Eilanden. Weven en Ikatten. Orig.edn. Amsterdam,Koloniaal Instituut, [circa[, 1935. sm.oblong 8°. orig.lettered wraps., small rectangular illus. of an Ikat on upper wrap. 133pp. ills. on 9 plates, mainly depict. weavings and Ikats, looms & other utensils to be used, 2 plans of the museum. ["Gids in het Volkenkundig Museum, X"]. EUR 80.00
¶ Guide to the Museum of Ethnography/Anthropology, describing the collection of Weavings and Ikats from the Timor-group and South-Wester Islands; incl. notes on technique, warp & weft, looms and other utensils to be used. Very fine copy. Scarce nowadays.
22 DALEN, A.A. VAN, Van strijd en overwinning op Alor. Amsterdam, c. 1935. Small 8°, pictorial cloth, 223pp., frontisp., 2 other plates, full-p. sketch-map, "glossary" by author. EUR 20.00
¶ On christianization & the trials by Dutch protestant mission on Alor (Timor residency). (inscription inside upper bds., some damage to paper inside upper bds.)
23 DAMMERMAN, K.W., Soembaneesche Dieren- en Plantennamen. In:"BKI, LXVI-1/2", [1926].S.L., ['s-Hage],[Nijhoff, 1926]., recent blind wraps. pp.[206]-239. Index of sumbanese names. EUR 35.00
¶ An interesting essay on Sumbanese names of fauna and flora. (last p. of index supplied in xerox).
24 DORES, R. DAS, Apontamentos para um Diccionario Chrographico de Timor. Memoria. First edn.Lisboa,Impr. Nacional, 1903. orig. printed wrs. 66pp. EUR 160.00
¶ Important geogr. dictionary covering Timor & dependencies, incl. the territory of Portuguese Timor. Unopened copy. Rare.
25 DURKSTRA, E. Bastiaan de kleine Timorees. Een verhaal uit de zending op het eiland Timor. [Met een inleiding van R. Oostra.Gorcum, 1946. 12°, pictorial boards, 31pp., with text-ills. by L(ies) Veenhoven, after original photos. "Akkerklokjes Nr. 11". BUUR, I.J. 0813. EUR 30.00
¶ Missionary juvenile describing the conversion to christianity of a small timorese handicapped boy and his parents, incl. notes on local sorcery by a dukun.
26 ELJENS, O., Quer durch Timor. Reiseerzählung aus der Tropen der Ostindischen Inselflur. Leipzig, 1920. 12°. Cloth, 190pp. EUR 45.00
¶ A German travel-account through the N.E.I., incl. a description of the cities Kupang & Dili, notes on country & people. (shaky copy).
27 ENDERT, F.H., Droogte-resistente gewassen. From: "TECTONA, XXXVI-4." (August, 1946). 50pp. EUR 30.00
¶ Report on draught-resistant crops on Timor as compared with other N.E.Indian regions.
28 FLORES SONGS - A. BEDING (SVD)(text ed.), Paduan SuaraBerchmawan Lagu-Lagu Flores. [Endeh, Flores], S.V.D., [c. 1960]., Tog. 2 45-rpm. records, in original pict. col. paper dos-à-dos slip-case. text of songs in indonesian printed inside, explanat. text in english/dutch/german & indonesian printed on recte of lower side of case. EUR 55.00
¶ Choice-collection of popular & religious songs from Central Flores, Solo by Hilarius Soe Wea, directed by Albert van der Heijden.
29 FOX, J.J., Harvest of the Palm. Ecological Change in Eastern Indonesia. Cambridge-London, 1977. Cloth, original pictorial dj., (xv), (2), 290pp., frontosp., ills. on some plates, text-ills., many sketch-maps of the Timor-Archipelago, appendices, index, extensive bibliography. EUR 125.00
¶ Important study on the Islands Roti & Savu (as compared with TIMOR) & their economy, centered on the intensive use of the Lontar Palm Tree, as contrasted with the "slash & burn" economy of Timor, all in historical perspective in an ethnographical presentation, vital to the anthropological analysis of social change in this part of Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara Tengah). Scarce, in good condition.
30 FRENEY, D., De Samenzwering tegen Oost-Timor. Amsterdam, 1975. orig.wraps. 12°. (36)pp. EUR 45.00
¶ The 1st 6 weeks of the struggle for independence on Eastern Timor (10 Aug.-end Sept. 1975), translated, issued by the (Dutch) Committee for Marxist Revolutionaries.
31 FRIJTAG DRABBE, G.A.J. VON, A photostudy of the worlds Erosion by water. S.L. [Delft], [c. 1990]., large 8°. orig. wraps. 40pp. of text. 15 plates with ext. captions of which 6 coloured, and the original paper 'glasses' inserted in endpocket for 3-dimentsional viewing of plates. "Aerial Photograph and Photo Interpretation, vol. II." EUR 35.00
¶ An interesting review, of which the coloured plates depict. the situation in the Indonesian Archipelago: Lake Sentani, Timor, Sumba. MINT copy.
32 GEDENKBOEK ter gelegenheid van den 25-jarigen Zendingsarbeid op Soemba vanwege de Gereformeerde Kerken in Groningen, Drente en Overijssel, "Tot Dankbaarheid Genoopt". Kampen, 1927. Cloth, 175pp., ills., incl. portrs., on plates & in text, full-p. sketch-map. EUR 40.00
¶ Commemorates 25 years missionary work on Sumba by the Dutch Reformed church. (bds. shaved.)
33 GUSMÃO, X., Timor Leste. Um Povo, uma Pátria. First edn.Lisboa,s.d.[circa], 1995. orig. pict. col. limp wrappers. (xv), 357pp. ills. on some plates, some facsims. after original documents & letters, fold. sketch-map, some biogr. notes on author. EUR 95.00
¶ On the struggle for independence of Eastern Timor, against the Suharto-administration, by one of its foremost leaders. Fine copy.
34 HANDBILL-BLAMEY, TH. A. ( General Sir), Proclamatie van Generaal Sir Thomas Blamey; AAN DE BEVOLKING van Borneo, Timor, Ceram, Ambon, Kai Aroe, Tanimbar, de eilenden in de Arafoera Zee, Britisch Nieuw Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, Solomons, Bougainville and nabij gelegen eilanden.../Maloemat dari djenderal Sir Thomas Albert Blamey... S.L.,2 September, 1945. tall slim 8°. Two sheets sized 15x28cm. Printed recte/verso in english and malay. EXTRA ADDED: the Same Proclamation in JAPANESE language: 1 sheet. 15x21 cm. printed on recte only. EUR 295.00
¶ Proclamation of the Australian C.In.C., General Sir A. Blamey, directed to the P.O.W., the Population of Eastern Indonesia & to the Japanese forces, announcing the Surrender of the Japanese Empire. Very well preserved. Rare.
35 HEERING, J., Geological Investigations in East Wetar, Alor and Poera Besar. (Eastern Lesser Sunda Islands). Orig. edn. Orig.thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1941. large 8°. orig. wraps. (xvi), 125pp. ills. on 14 plates, text-figures, 5 large fold. maps. EUR 70.00
36 HEERKENS, P. (SVD), Lieder der Florinesen. Sammlung 140 Florinesischer Lieder und 162 Texte mit Übersetzung aus dem Sprachgebiete der Lionesen, Sikanesen, Ngada's und Manggaraier. Transl. into the German language by E.D. KUNST (Sr.). Leiden-Koeln, Brill, 1953. Large 4°, original printed wraps., (2), 197pp. Plate-(portr. of Heerkens), many music-scores in text & full-p. EUR 215.00
¶ Collection of songs for (a.o.) (:) babies, children, mocking-songs, love-songs (a.o. Néké & Palé), mourning-songs, songs of Portugese offspring in SIKA, etc. Unopened copy. In near fine condition. Rare.
37 HEERKENS, P., Ola Wolo. De bruine Slaaf. Roman uit de Timor Archipel. Orig. edn.Eindhoven,"Lecturis", [....], 1938. orig. decorated wraps, designed by L. v. Vethel, after a Florinese Ikat design.220pp. some music-scores, list of main dramatis personae, concise glossary. BUUR, PD, 1357. EUR 55.00
¶ Novel after authentic experiences of a Roman-catholic missionary who worked for an extended time on Flores, colonial Indonesia, with as central theme the occurrance of Slavery in residency Lio (Flores). Nice copy. (some occas. light marginal foxing, incl. foxing of front-edge).
38 HEERKENS, P., Van Katoen tot Ikat-Doek. Studie over het Ikatten onder Sikaneezen op Flores. In:"Cultureel Indië", VI-Jan./Feb. 1944. Leiden,E.J. Brill, 1944. 4°, original yellow wraps., 47pp., richly illustrated. EUR 40.00
¶ An excellent essay, lavishly illustrated, on the art of Ikat amongst the Sikanese-tribe, Flores, colonial Indonesia, by a S.V.D. missionary who worked on Flores for an extended time.
39 HEYNEN, F.C. (Priest), Schetsen uit de Nederlandsch-Indische Missie. De Kerkelijke Statiën op Flores.'s-Hertogenbosch-Amsterdam, 1876. sm.8°. recent clothbacked orig. yellow printed wraps. 100, [1]pp. (list of contents. hftitle (verso blank), 7 woodcut plates of which a portr. of Hubert van Rijckevorsel. EUR 160.00
¶ Report on the Stations of the Cross on Flores, her history and progress of mission. Very rare. (lightly dog-eared copy).
40 IAHA, B., Aanteekeningen over het Landbouwritueel in het Rijk Rahawatoe op Midden-Soemba."BKI, 98-1/2"(c.1939).['s-Gravenhage, c. 1939]., orig.blind wrs. pp. (225)-246. Text in Sumbanese language with notes by C. Nooteboom. EUR 30.00
¶ essay describing a rice-ritual in Central Sumba (Rahawatoe), Lesser Sunda Islands, colonial Indonesia. (wrs. somewh. wrinkled).
41 INSO, J. DO, Timor-1912. Orig.edn. Lisboa,Ministério do Ultramar, s.d.[circa], 1913. sm. 8°. orig.pict.col.wraps. 238pp. fold. sketch-map of the operation-theatre, with legenda. EUR 80.00
¶ Account of the 1912 rebellion in Portuguese Timor & the suppression. Scarce. (upper wrp. gone, somewh. dog-eared.)
42 JOHANN, A.E., Kulis, Kapitäne und Kopfjäger. Fahrten und Erlebnisse zwisschen Peking und der Timor-See. 1st. Berlin, 1936. Cloth, 270pp. Sketch-map on endpaper, 40 ills. on plates. EUR 55.00
¶ Nice copy. (marg. annots in pencil.)
43 JONKER, J.C.G., Soembawareesche teksten met vertaling. In:"BKI, vol. 92-2"(1934).'s-Gravenhage, [1934]., limp blind wraps. pp. [211] - 334. Extensive foot-notes. EUR 125.00
¶ Coll. of original Sumbawarese texts with transcription into dutch. Fine copy. Rare.
44 JOSSELIN DE JONG, J.P.B. DE, Oirata, a Timorese settlement on Kisar. Amsterdam, 1937. large 8°. (1), 289pp. with a plate, extensive vocubalary Timorese-English. "VKA, afd. Letterkunde, nwe. reeks, vol. XXXIX, Studies in Indonesian Culture, I". EUR 205.00
¶ Text printed in 2 collumns: in Timorese language/English transcription. Very important report of Ethno-linguistic fieldwork. Rare. Very good copy.
45 KATE, H.F.C. TEN, Verslag eener Reis in de Timor-groep en Polynesië. In:"TAG", 2e serie Vol. VIII. [Batavia], s.n., s.d.[circa], 1895. later black cloth. pp. 195-246; pp.333-390; pp.541-638; pp.765-822. Ills. on 12 plates, some sketch track-maps. EUR 775.00
¶ Detailed report of a nineteenth century voyage through the Timor Archipelago, undertaken by command of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society, K.N.A.G., suppl. early information of population, cults and customs, arts & crafts, means of subsistence, family-life, pagan regigion, clothing and housing, bodily ornamentation, &c... of respectively Flores (incl. a description of Endeh), Sika, Lio, Larantoeka, Adonare-Solor; Timor (incl. a descr. of Kupang), Amrasi, Amfoang; The Island of Sumba, and finally Polynesia. Plates depict. a.o. tattoo-motives, local architecture, tombs and death-poles, Arms and Armour, locals in typical dress, &c...A very good copy. Scarce.
46 KEMMERLING, G.L.L., Vulkanen van Flores. Bandoeng, 1929. orig. lettered wraps. (x), 138pp. 29 text-figs, bibliogr., english summary. "Vulkanologische en Seismologische Mededeelingen, No. 10". EUR 40.00
¶ An interesting survey of the young volcanic mountain masses in the Island of Flores, Indonesia. (ex-lib. stamp on upper wrap. and on title, light dog-earing, some sunning near spine).
47 KING, M., Eden to Paradise. London,"Book Club", 1963. Cloth, 188pp., col. frontisp. ills. on 12 plates, mainly of ethnographical & anthropological interest, sketch-map. EUR 55.00
¶ Describes life and customs on the territory of Portuguese Timor.
48 KLEIWEG DE ZWAAN, J.P. Oude Urn-schedels van Melolo (Oost-Soemba) Offpr. S.l., c. 1938. Pp.(340)-362, modern limp wraps. stitched. with a plate, full-p. tables. EUR 30.00
¶ Description & analysis of the Urn-field at Melolo (Eastern Suma), incl. descriptions of skulls, with dimensions.
49 KRUYT, A.C., De Timoreezen. In:"BKI,79-3"(1923).'s-Gravenhage, 1923. orig.wraps. pp. 350-520. a.o.artt EUR 15.00
50 KRUYT, A.C., De Soembaneezen. In:"BKI" (1929).'s-Gravenhage, 1929. slim 8°. recent clothbacked blind wrs. pp.(466)-608. EUR 65.00
¶ A lemgtjhy description, by a dutch Protestant missionary, of customs & life-cycle of the of the population of Sumba, lesser Sunda Islands, colonial Indonesia, collected during a visitation-trip Sept.-Oct. 1920.
51 KUNST, J., Over zeldzame Fluiten en veel-stemmige Muziek in het Ngada- en Nageh-Gebied. [Batavia], 1931. sm. 8°. wrs. 21pp. ills on plates o.o.t., showing double-flutes, music-scores. ["Oudheidkundige Dienst in Nederl.-Indië, Musicologisch onderzoek", I]. EUR 70.00
¶ A musicological investigation into rare flutes and music arranged for several voices as found amongst the Ngada- and Nageh-tribes, Western Flores, colonial Indonesia. Rare.
52 KUNST, J. De Volken van den Indischen Archipel. Leiden, 1946. sm. 8°. orig. wraps. 8pp. of text. ills. on 16 plates o.o.t., 2 fold. maps at end. ["Kon.Indisch Instituut, Meded. no. LXV, Afd. Volkenkunde No. 19"]. EUR 20.00
¶ Merely a photogr. account of the population of the Timor Archipelago.
53 LAINS E SILVA, H., Timor e a Cultura do Café. [Lisboa], 1956. Square 8°, original limp wraps., (xiii), 190pp., plate, ills. on 37 plates o.o.t., 2 large folded coloured maps, with legenda, o.o.t., showing the spread of Coffee-plantations on Portuguese Timor, extensive bibliography, register, incl. list of plates. EUR 80.00
¶ On the coffee-cultivation on Portuguese Timor, with data on export, some plates also of ethnographical interest (showing indigenous women's dress (coffee-picksters), some of indigenous houses & housing). Totally unopened copy. "Mem. série de agronomia tropical, I."
54 LAMEIRAS-CAMPANOLO, M.-O. & H. CAMPANOLO, Rythmes et Genres dans la Littérature Orale des Fatalaku de Lohere (Timor) - B. CLAMAGIRAND, Li'i Marapu, Parole et Rituel chez les Wewewa de Sumba Ouest-a. 10 oth. artt. on oral literature. Paris, 1979. Large 8°, original wraps., 406pp., some text-figures & ills. after drawings, some sketch-maps, bibliographies. "Asie du Sud-Est et Monde Insulindien, CeDRASEMI, X, 2,3,4". EUR 70.00
¶ This volume has entirely been devoted to oral literature of Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Madagascar. (wrps. somewh. sunned).
55 LAMMERS, H.J., De Physische Anthropologie van de bevolking van Oost-Dawan (Noord-Midden-Timor). Orig. thesis (Leiden University).Leiden, 1948. Orig. private cloth, title in gilt on front boards. 320pp., many portrs. of timorese females and males on 17 plates, mainly out-of-text, numerous graphs, tables, diagrams and sketch-maps, in text, and full-page, statistics on 1 extending leave loosely inserted, extensive english summary, bibliogr. and list of tables at very end. EUR 275.00
¶ A very important physical-anthropological study on the population of East-Dawan, North Central Timor, based upon the material on East-Dawan as collected by Dr. A.G. Vroklage, during his ethnological and anthropological study-tour through Flores and Timor, 1936-1938. This, uncut, copy has especially been bound for and presented to Prof. Dankmeijer, his signature in corner of title-page and dated 29 Sept. [19]'48. A very fine copy. Rare. .
56 LAMSTER, J.C., Ikatdoeken. In:"Onze Aarde", year 3 no. 4(April 1930). S.L.,s.n., 1930. Small 4°, pp.146-154. Coloured plate, many text-ills. of Ikats, some figures of primitive looms. EUR 25.00
¶ Ikats from Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores, Timor, Sulawesi.
57 LEROUX, C.C.F.M., De Elcano's tocht door den Timor-Archipel met Magelhaes' schip "Victoria". Weltevreden, nd.[c.1930]., orig.wraps. 99pp. front., 3 facs. maps on plates, ills. on 4 plates, glossary, fold. col. track-map, glossary & notes. EUR 100.00
¶ Account by Pigafetta of the voyage of De Elcano through the Timor Archipelago.
58 LOEBER, J.A., Timoreesch snijwerk en Ornament. Bijdrage tot de Indonesische Kunstgeschiedenis. 's-Gravenhage, 1903. Large 8°, original wraps., 82pp. Frontisp., 148 ills. on 22 plates o.o.t., many text-figures, ills., showing ornamental design & woodcarving in TIMOR. EUR 115.00
¶ Rare. (wraps. somewh. worn & soiled, stain on fore-margin of fly-leave.)
59 [MANAFE, D.P.], Proeve eener beknopte spraakkunst van het Rottineesch. Pref. by H. Kern. Taken fr.:"BKI, 38", 1889.S.L.['s Hage],[Nijhoff], 1889. sm.8°. recent blank wraps. pp.[632]-648. Stapled. EUR 70.00
¶ Concise preliminary grammar of the Roti-language compiled by an indigenous teacher working at Bali, Island of Rote[Roti], Lesser Sunda group. Unopened copy. Rare.
60 MARTINHO, J.S., Problemas Administrativos de Colonizaçao da Provincia de Timor. Porto, 1945. sm. thick 8°. pict.stiff wrs. 286pp. EUR 70.00
¶ The structure and problems of Poruguese colonial administration of Timor Leste, under the administration ofTéofilio Duarte. (wraps. soiled & frayed)
61 MATHIJSEN, A., Eenige Fabels en Volkslegenden van de onderafdeeling Beloe op het Eiland Timor. Met een Aanhangsel door N. Adriani: Eenige parallellen in de Indonesische letterkunde van de door Pastoor A. Mathijsen medegedeelde Tetoemsche Verhalen.Batavia-'s-Hage,Albrecht/Nijhoff, 1915. Large 8°., recent green cloth, new endpapers, 96pp. Footnotes. ["VBG", LXI/part 2]. EUR 75.00
¶ A collection of tog. 17 folk-tales and legends from the Belu, Timor in tettum-language, translated into dutch with explanations by a roman-catholic missionary who worked for an extended time amongst the Belu of dutch Timor. The supplement by N. Adriani compares the tales parallell to other Indonesian sources. Very good copy. Scarce.
62 MATHIJSEN, A., Tettum-Hollandsche Woordenlijst met beknopte Spraakkunst. Batavia-'s Hage, Albrecht/Nijhoff, 1906. modern cloth. (xiv), 145pp. [" VBG", LVI-2] EUR 450.00
¶ A very important and early attempt of a glossary of the Timorese language (tettum or tetum) incl. a preliminary grammar, as composed by a dutch roman-catholic missionary who worked on Timor for an extended time. Very good copy. Rare.
63 METELLO, A.A., Timor Fantasma do Oriente. Lisboa, 1923. 12°, pictorial coloured wraps., 97pp. "Bibl. de Accao Nacionalista"series. EUR 70.00
¶ Scarce.
64 MIDDELKOOP, P., Een studie van het Timoreesche Doodenritueel. Ban-doeng, 1949. Large 8°, (1), 341pp. Ills. on 3 plates, register, errata. Incl. Timorese texts, transl. & annotated. "VBG, LXXVI." EUR 80.00
¶ A fundamental study on Timorese death- & burial-rites from own observations & research. (slightly dog-eared copy.)
65 MIDDELKOOP, P., Proeve van een Timorese Grammatica. In:"BKI, 106 (1950)".['s-Gravenhage, 1950]., recent blind limp wraps. pp. 375-517. foot-notes, supplement being corrigenda on the glossary by E.F. Kleian. EUR 125.00
¶ Specimen of a timorese grammar. Scarce.
66 MIDDELKOOP, P., Curse-Retribution-Enmity as data in natural religion especially in Timor, confrontation with the scripture. Orig. thesis [Utrecht university]. Amsterdam, Jacob van Campen, 1960. Orig.wraps.168pp.,ext.footnotes at end, list of abbrev.used, bibliography, summary in Bahasa Indonesia. EUR 95.00
¶ Incl. orig. texts in tettum at end as appendices with translation into english. Good copy. Scarce.
67 MOREIRA, A., O Drama de Timor. Relatório da O.N.U. sobre a Descolonizacao. (Lisboa), 1976. printed stiff wrs. 142pp. EUR 100.00
¶ On the rôle of the UN-Forces in the 'decolonization' of (Portuguese) Timor. Fine copy.
68 MORRIS, I., This War against Japan. Thoughts on the present conflict in the Far East. 1st. London, 1943. Small 8°, cloth, 119pp., 64 ills. on 16 plates o.o.t., index. EUR 70.00
¶ Text & ills cover mainly the actions of U.S. & Australian troops on New Guinea & Timor. Interesting.
69 NICOL. B., Timor. The Stillborn Nation. Orig.edn.Melbourne-Norwalk(CT), 1978. sm.8°. orig. stiff glossy pict.wraps. (ix), 328pp. Glossary, 2 sketch-maps on a leave, bibliogr., index. EUR 45.00
¶ The course of Portuguese Timor's de-colonization and its aftermath described by an eye-witness. Fine copy.
70 NIERMEYER, J.F., De Kustlijnen van Timor en Roti. In: "TAG, 1901". Small 8°, wraps. pp. 274-276. sketch-map. EUR 15.00
¶ Coast-lines of Timor & Rote described.
71 NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J., Eenige voorbeelden van het Ornament op de Weefsels van Soemba. In:"NION, 11-9".(January 1927).Amsterdam, 1927. Small 4°. orig. decor. wraps. pp.259-288, with 30 mainly full-p. very detailed plates. EXTRA ADDED: C.FRANS, Iets over Timoreesche Ikat-weefsels."Oedaya". S.L., s.n.[c.1927]. sm. 2°. printed in 2 collumns, tipped-in on recte of upper wrap. AND: J.C.LAMSTER, Ikatdoeken. S.L., s.n. Article taken from an unidentified dutch periodical ("Oedaya"?}. Tipped-in on recte(blank) of the article by C. Frans, A-4 sized, printed in 2 collumns, recte/verso. EUR 115.00
¶ An important essay on the application of ornamentation in Sumba Ikats, after personal observation. The article by C.Frans is an essential compilation of a speech on Timorese Ikats; the third article by J.C. Lamster deals with the technique of Ikat-weaving in general and especially as observed on Sumba, Sumbawa and Timor. All three artt. of great importance. Scarce.
Good copy. Scarce.
72 NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J., Zwerftochten door Timor en Onderhoorigheden. [2nd edn.] Amsterdam, "Elsevier", 1925. Large 4°, original gilt tooled & lettered cloth, large gilt vignette on both sides in Timorese Art-style, 175pp. of text, vignette on 1st blank, large title-vignette, title printed in red & black. Many plates, text-ills., vignettes, initials, head-&-tail pieces all after drawings by author, 2 sketch-maps after drawings, index EUR 495.00
¶ Much more than a travelogue, merely a lengthy diary describing daily life, art & art-styles, population & curiosities of Timor (:) ornamentation, decorated bamboo, Sumba-weavings, Moko's from Timor, Sumbawa, Letti, Roti, Savu & Kisar. Printed with wide margins in a beautiful style. Difficult to locate good copies. (some slight upper-marginal spotting of 1st blank & title-p., ow. fine.)
73 NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J., Iets over Soemba en de Soembaweefsels. Uit het Dagboek en Schetsboek. In:"NION, 7-10"(Februari 1923).Amsterdam, 1923. sm. 4°. orig. decor.wraps. pp. 295-313. 11 ills. of which some full-p. and after drawings by author. EUR 45.00
¶ Essay, taken from author's diary and sketch-book, describing his first visit to Sumba, 19 may 1918. His observations deal with sumbanese housing, the occurrance of megaliths and a descriptive analysis of Sumba Ikats as collected by author. Interesting. (wraps. somewh. dull, contents fine).
74 NOOTEBOOM, C., De Kleurenpracht van Soemba Weefsels. Tilburg,s.n., s.d.[....], 1958. Small 8°, 15pp. With a diagram of a Sumba-loom. EUR 30.00
¶ Introduction & description of various kinds of Sumba Ikats, being a guide to an exhibition of the Textile Museum at Tilburg, 25 Mei t/m 5 Juli 1958. Interesting.
75 NOOTEBOOM, C., Quelques techniques de Tissage des Petites Iles de la Sonde. Leiden, 1948. orig. wraps. 10pp. Many ills. on 4 plates, 10 text-diagrams & figures. ["Meded. v.h. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde", No. 3]. EUR 45.00
¶ On Ikat-technique from Timor, Flores, Sumba; P. PARIS, Discussion et Données complémentaires à Propos de l'Ouvrege de M. James Hornell: Watertransport, origins and early evolution (incl. S.E.Asia). pp.12-46.
76 NOOTEBOOM, C. Oost-Soemba Een volkenkundige studie. 's-Gravenhage, 1940. 182pp. illustrations on 2 plates, genealogical tables. "VKI, 3." EUR 85.00
¶ Important anthropological study on Eastern-Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Tengah.
77 OOST-TIMOR (TIMOR LESTE) : De situatie op Oost-Timor Een Rapport uit Indonesië. Verslag van gesprekken met vluchtelingen uit Oost-Timor. Amsterdam, Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (Angola Comité), 1977. Small 4°, original pict. wraps., (14)pp. of text, sketch-map in text, stapled. EUR 20.00
¶ Report covering the experiences of refugees from Eastern Timor on the genocide against the people by special Indonesian Army forces. (dog-eared copy.)
78 OUWEHAND, C., Aantekeningen over Volksordening en Grondenrecht op Oost-Flores. In: "Indonesië, 4-1 (July 1950)." pp. [54]-71. EUR 20.00
¶ Social changes in Eastern Flores.
79 PETERS, B., The Turmoil in Timor. In: "Bull. Incorp. Austr. Financial Times, 97-4975 (Sept. 1975)" 4°, coloured wraps., 4pp., illustrated.* Pro-Fretilin Article. EUR 20.00
80 PORTUGUESE TIMOR - Projecto de Organizacao Adminstrativa do Districto autonomo de Timor Elaborado no Districto em 1906. Lisboa, Impr. Nacional, 1906. orig. printed wrs. cloth backstrip. 76pp. some tables in text. EUR 160.00
¶ Important study on the administrative origanization of Portuguese Timor. "Ministerio dos Negocios da Marinha e Ultramar, Direccao general do ultramar..."publ. Rare,.
81 RODENWALDT, E., De Mestiezen op Kisar. Orig. edn.Batavia,s.n.[c.1925]., 2 vols. Large thick 8°. orig. lettered boards. (xvi), 471pp. of text, ills. on 4 plates, numerous genealogical tables in text & full-p. Plate-vol. with numerous folded plates & a large folded genealogical table, graphs. EUR 395.00
¶ Field-research into Kinship & Kinship-relations among the Mestice of Kisar (Moluccas). Very good copy. Scarce.
82 SA, A.B. DE, Textos em Teto Literatura Oral Timorense, vol. I (all publ.).Lisboa, 1961. Large 8°, printed wraps., (xxxiii), 266pp. (1)pp. errata-leaf. ["Junta de Invesigacoes do Ultramar, Est. de Ciencies Politicas e Socias", no. 45]. EUR 100.00
¶ Unopened copy, in fine condition.
83 SANTOS OLIVEIRA LIBERATO, C. DOS, Quando Timor foi notícia Memórias. Braga, 1972. Small 8°, 205pp., full-p. sketch-map. EUR 35.00
84 SCHULTE NORDHOLT, H., Het Politieke Systeem van de Atoni van Timor. Orig.thesis [Amsterdam Free university]. Driebergen, 1966. Small 4°., orig.wraps. 278pp. Ills. on some plates, sketch-maps in text & full-p., genealogical tables, folded sketch-map, list of Timorese-Dutch words, plan of a Timorese House, bibliography, list of notes to chapters, index of names. EUR 135.00
¶ Researching into the political system of the Atoni-tribe of [dutch] Timor. Good copy. Rare.
85 SIMONS, A.L., Geological investigations in N.E. Netherlands Timor. Orig. thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1939. Large 8°, cloth, (xiv), 103pp., 28 figures in text & on 5 plates o.o.t., 1 very large folded coloured geological map loose in end-pocket. Good copy. EUR 80.00
86 SOEKAWATI, P.J.M. (Tjokorde Gde Rake), Presiden Kita P.J.M. Tjokorde Gede Rake Soekawati Melawat dari Poelau ke Poelau di Negara Indonesia Timoer. Orig. edn.S.L.[Bandoeng],AID, s.d. [circa], 1946. sm. slim 4°. orig. wraps, large coloured piece on front wrapper. 55pp. Many text-ills, incl. portrs. EUR 75.00
¶ A tour of duty of the newly elected President of the federal State of Eastern Indonesia, comprising Sulawesi, the lesser Sunda Islands: Flores, Timor, Sumba, Sumbawa and the smaller islands. The political concept of a Federal State of Indonesia was created by the dutch in the beginning of the dutch-indonesian dispute, 1945-1949. The dutch tried to avoid a complete sovereignty for Indonesia at that time, in order to keep the colony under their political control, if failed however. This tour-of-duty was performed by the recently elected President of the Federated State of Eastern Indonesia, P.J.M. Tjokorde Gede Rake Soekawati. Indonesian text only. Nice copy.
87 SOUSA SANTOS, A. DE, Duas Palavras ao Capitão Liberato. A Proposito de <>. Orig.edn.Lisboa, 1947. sm.8°. orig. illustr. wraps. 148pp. small fold. map with short legenda, errata-leave at end. EUR 70.00
¶ Two essays on the japanese invasion and occupation of Portuguese Timor, collaboration and resistance, liberation. Fine copy. Rare.
88 STOKHOF, W.A.L., Woisika Riddles. First edn.Canberra, 1982. sq. large 8°. (iii), 74pp. "Materials in Languages of Indonesia No.9/Pac.Linguistics Series D-No.41". EUR 70.00
¶ Orig. riddles from Woisika (Alor island, Timor Group), orig. text with transcription and notes. Scarce.
89 STOKHOF, W.A.L., Names and Naming in Ateita and Environment(Woisika, Alor). Offpr. fr.:"LINGUA, 62-2/3, Oct.?Nov. 1983". pp. 179-207. Stapled. EUR 55.00
¶ Alor-Island, Timor Group.
90 SUCHTELEN, B.C.C.M.M. VAN, Endeh. (Flores). Weltevreden, Encyclop. Bureau, 1921. Large 8°. clothbacked marbled boards, cloth corners. (vi), 522pp. 117 ills. on many plates, of which of ethographical nature, partly by Ch.C.F.M. Leroux, numerous tables in text & full-p, some sketch-maps, large extended coloured map at end, extensive glossary dutch-endehnese. "MEB, XXVI". EUR 430.00
¶ Ills. are for the greater part of ethnogr. & anthropol. interest. Extensive report by the administrator of Endeh: physical geogr., e.g. geolog. appearance, civil, military & indigenous administration, indigenous political structure, taxation, descent & tribal relations, character & morals (marriage & divorce, pregnancy & childbirth, the general position of women, divorce, illness & death, death-rituals, burial-sites, name-giving, religions, taboos, games, plays & songs), arms, armour & warfare, means of subsistence & other economic indigenous features, &c... &c...An important administrative report. Good copy. (ex-lib. stamp on title).
91 SUMBA - DAMMERMAN, K.W., Een Tocht naar Soemba. In:"Natturk. Tijdschrift, LXXXVI-1" Batavia, 1926. orig. wraps. 122pp. ills. on 15 plates, 14 text-figs, , foot-notes, extd. sketch-map. EUR 115.00
¶ An important descr. of a journey across Sumba: the Fauna of the Island, but also ext. parts on Arts & Crafts (:weaving & looms, bead-work, bodily ornamentation), architecture, ethnography & ethnology. Scarce. (spine-ends somewh. damaged).
92 SUMBA - Waarover Spraken zij .. Over Soemba. [Oegstgeest, 1977]. oblong 8°. pictorial stiff wrs. EUR 35.00
¶ Photographical account of tog. 88 ills & plates, with text, on the island of Sumba (: Outer Provinces) to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Sumba-Mission by the Reformed Church of The Netherlands.
93 TAPPENBECK, D., Geologie des Mollogebirges und einiger benachbarten Gebiete (Niederländisch Timor). Orig. thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1939. Large 8°, cloth, (xvi), 105pp., 8 plates o.o.t., 17 text-figures & 2 large folded geological maps in rear-pocket. Good copy. EUR 85.00
94 TAVARES ROCHA, A. & M. LOURDES UBALDO, Foraminiferos do Terciário superior e do Quaternário da Província Portuguesa de Timor. Lisboa, 1964. Large 8°, original limp printed wraps., 180pp., numerous ills. on 19 photo plates o.o.t., large folded table, bibliography & summary in English.["Memorais da Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar, no. 51"]. EUR 65.00
¶ Result of the study of the Fornaminifera from some formations of the Upper Tertiary & the Quartenary of the eastern part of the island of TIMOR. Totally unopened copy. FINE.
95 TIMOR - (PORTUGUESE) ALLIED MINING CORP., Exploration of Portuguese Timor. Report of Allied Mining Corp. to Asia Investment Cy. Ltd. [Hong Kong]. [Hong Kong,Allied Mining Corporation, s.d. [circa], 1937. Large oblong folio, lettered cloth, 107pp. 2 Facsims. of letters (1 directed to the Portuguese Ministry of Colonies), portrs., portrs. on plates, ills. on many plates, of which depicting Timorese & European houses, Dili-bay & harbour, etc., ills. of Timorese people, numerous tables & graphs in text & full-p., 33 mainly full-p. sketch-maps, some half-p., of which many coloured, all with legenda, 12 full-p. landconcenssion-maps with legenda, 2 large folded coloured maps loose in endpocket 1:250.000 (topographical & geographical map). EUR 750.00
¶ A very important report on the agricultural & mineral resources of Portuguese Timor, with as final conclusion that: ... "Timor has oil, gold, mineral resources and agricultural possibilities". Good copy. Rare.
96 TIMOR - DOKO, I.H., Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Indonesia Di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jakarta,Balai Pustaka, 1981. Small 8°, pict. col. wraps., 280pp., many text-ills., some portrs., some appendices in Dutch, bibliography. ["Balai Pustaka", no. 2833]. EUR 55.00
¶ Covers mainly former Dutch Timor.
97 TIMOR - E. Utrecht (Introd.), Oost-Timor Tribunaal. Amsterdam, Komitee Indonesië, [c. 1982]., Small 8°, pict. plastic wraps., 93pp. with some tables & a sketch-map & a chronology. EUR 160.00
¶ Pamphlet issued by the left-wing Committee "Indonesië-Komitee", being a pro-Fretilin booklet: Indonesia before an International Tribunal, accused from crimes against the human race (: atrocities on Eastern Timor). Scarce.
98 TIMOR - EAST-TIMOR NEWS /Informaçoes Timor-leste. Lisboa, 1988. Available: subject-memo no. 2/88 (March 1988) & no. 3 (April 1988). Small folio, (14)pp. of cyclostyled text, stapled. AND: Monthly Memo no. 2/88-3/88 (March-April 1988). Small folio, (17)pp. of cyclostyled text, stapled. ADDED: a subscription-form, dated Lisboa, 16 March 1988. Small folio, (2)pp. of cyclostyled text for the East Timor News. EUR 25.00
¶ Supplying information on the war in Eastern-Timor, the Fretilin vs. the T.N.I., international lobbying in favour for an independent Eastern-Timor. Far from complete, but very interesting however, issued in a limited number no doubt.
99 TIMOR - EASTERN TIMOR - Oost-Timor. De soldaat van Maubere schreeuwt om recht, Fretilin.Amsterdam,Komité Indonesieë, 1977. Tall 4°, pict. col. wraps., 23pp., text-ills., of which some caricatural. EUR 35.00
¶ Brochure by the left-wing committee "Indonesië", discussing the situation in Eastern Timor, in favour of the Fretilin, chronicle of events, military development, arms-supplies to Indonesia by the Dutch Govern-ment, etc... A good copy.
100 TIMOR - EASTERN TIMOR - Timor leste Independente Funu. Boletim da Commissao para os Direitos do Povo Maubere. Publ. in Lisbon. Available: no. 14 (March 1986)-no. 17 (Dec. 1987). Tog. 4 issues of this quarterly Bulletin. Small 4°, original pict. wraps., ca. 54pp. printed in offset, stapled, richly illsd. EUR 35.00
¶ Issued to promote the Independence of Eastern Timor, on the querilla war-fare of the Fretilin against the T.N.I., atrocities by the Indonesian forces, forced Indonesian immigration into Eastern Timor, etc. Publ. in a limited edn. In good condition.
101 TIMOR - PROPINSI NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR Menundju SWA SEMBADA PANGAN 1972. Kupang, KTR. Gubernur Kdh. Propinsi N.T.T., 1967. Small 8°, 40pp. cyclostyled. EUR 205.00
¶ Indonesian Government stamp at end, signed "t.t.d. (El Tari) Let. Kol. Inf. Nrp. 15753." Rare.
102 TIMOR - Sentence Arbitrale rendue en Exécution du Compromis signé à La Haya le 2 avril 1913 entre Les Pays-Bas et le Portugal au sujet de la délimitation d'une partie de leurs possessions dans l'Ile de Timor La Haye,[....]., 1913. Small folio, 45pp., 4 col. border maps, with corrections printed on tissue-guards. EUR 205.00
¶ Arbitrary sentence of the International High Court of Arbitrage at The Hague, covering a dispute between Portugal & The Netherlands concerning border demarcation on TIMOR. Rare.
103 TIMOR - TIMOR LESTE. J.S. DUNN(compiler), De situatie op Oost-Timor. Een rapport uit Indonesië. Verslag van gesprekken met vluchtelingen uit Oost-Timor. Amsterdam, Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (Angola Comité). (1977). Small 4°, pict. wraps., (14)pp., sketch-map in text EUR 20.00
¶ Report, compiled by J.S. Dunn, on the situation on East-Timor: refugees, interviews with refugees, atrocities & genocide by the Indonesian invading forces (ABRI), etc...
104 TIMOR LESTE - AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Power and Impunity. Human Rights under the New Order. Indonesia & East Timor. First edn. London, Amnesty International, 1994. Small 8°, limp pict. col. wraps., 126pp., plates, text-ills., full-p. sketch-map, short glossary (incl. acronyms). EUR 30.00
¶ Describes in extenso the violation of human rights by the Suharto administration on Portuguese Timor, during so-called "Orde Baru" (New Order). Fine copy.
105 TIMOR LESTE - BARROS DUARTE, J. Aindo Timor. Orig. edn.Lisboa, 1981. Small 8°. orig.wraps. 120pp. EUR 55.00
¶ The decolonization-process of Portuguese Timor and the subsequent drama under indonesian administration. Fine copy.
106 TIMOR LESTE - BORJA DA COSTA, F., De Schreeuw van Maubere. Strijdliederen voor het Volk van Oost-Timor. Haarlem, 1979. Small 8°, (26)pp., text-ills. by P. Walter, short explanatory notes to the songs at the end. EUR 20.00
¶ Collection of Fretilin revolutionary songs & texts. "Mandalareeks."
107 TIMOR LESTE - DECOLONIZATION in East Timor [Jakarta, 1977]. Small 8°, 102pp., ills. on plates & in text, annexes (facs. of documents). EUR 70.00
¶ Info on the subject compiled by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia. Fine copy.
108 TIMOR LESTE - DOKO, I.H., Pahlawan-Pahlawan Suku Timor. Jakarta,Balai Pustaka, 1981. Small 8°, pict. col. wraps., 75pp., text-ills. ["Balai Pustaka", No. 2847]. Fine copy. EUR 30.00
109 TIMOR LESTE - FERREIRA, A. (Capt.), O último voo Sobre Timor. Orig. edn.Porto,s.d. [circa], 1990. Small 8°, pict. wraps., 111pp., 6 plates. EUR 45.00
110 TIMOR LESTE - HILL, H., The Timor Story. Orig. edn. Melbourne,s.d. [circa], 1981. Small tall 4°, pict. wraps., 22pp. stapled, text-ills., caricatural drawings, extensive footnotes/list for further reading. EUR 35.00
¶ Describes australian diplomacy towards Suharto, the Timor-question, the Fretilin-struggle. Anti-Suharto. (lightly dog-eared.)
111 TIMOR LESTE - MAGALHAES, A. BARBEDO DE, East Timor. Indonesian occupation and genocide. Oporto, 1992. Small 8°, limp pict. col. glossy wraps., 75pp., sketch-map in text, tables o.o.t. (indices). FINE. EUR 45.00
112 TIMOR LESTE - PIRES, M.L., Descolonizaçao de Timor. Missao Importante? Lisboa, 1991. Pict. limp wraps., 452pp., col. sketch-map, chonology. EUR 70.00
¶ A plea for the decolonization of the territory of Portuguese Timor. The author was Governor of Portugese Timor. Fine copy.
113 TIMOR LESTE - Timor Pequena Monografia. Orig. edn.Lisboa,Ministerio do Ultramar, 1970. Small 8°, limp wraps., 197pp., many text-ills. & plates (depicting a.o. modern buildings, sites, timorese people in dress, dance, timorese houses), tables in text, folded sketch-map, bibliography & chronology of Governors (1702-1968) of the territory of Portuguese Timor. (Timor Leste or Timor Oriental). EUR 70.00
114 TIMOR LESTE - To Build a better Tomorrow in East Timor.S.L.[Jakarta],Department of Information, Republic of Indonesia, nd.[c.1977]., sm.4°. orig.pict. col. wraps.many mainly col. ills. Complementary slip of the Indonesian Embassy at the hague, the Netherlands loosely inserted, and the 3pp. Agreement between the Indonesian Red Cross & the ICRC, A-4 sized, also inserted. EUR 70.00
¶ Special Propaganda-Issue on Indonesian East Timor: from the transfer of power by the so-called 'petition' addressed to the Suharto-administration to further 'development'of the timorese population. Very good copy. Rare.
115 TIMOR LESTE - TIMOR BETWEEN the Superpowers. S.L., 1976. 12°. 16pp. EUR 30.00
¶ A communist (Marxist-Leninist) Pamphlet, strongly anti-Indonesian, on the situation in Portuguese Timor.
116 TIMOR LESTE/EASTERN TIMOR - Indonesië en Oost-Timor. Feiten en Meningen. [Amsterdam],Komitee Indonesië, 1996. large 8°. orig.pict. wraps. 19pp. text-ills, of which caricatural. ["IFM, Jaargang 19, nummer 5']. EUR 45.00
¶ Special issue of a left-wing dutch periodical, suppl. artt., comments and analyses of the situation in Eastern Timor. With artt. as: "Peace Nobel-Prize for Eastern Timor", "Clinton and the so-called Lippo-scandal", "Suharto-regime provoked the July-uprisings in Eastern Timor" and "Churches set-afire in Eastern Timor". All artt. in DUTCH! Very good copy.
117 TIMOR LESTE (Former Portuguese Timor)-Informaçao Monthly. Nrs. 12( Jan. 1987)-Nr. 27(apr. 1988).Tog. 16 issues of this informative monthly covering former Portuguese Timor & the struggle by FRETILIN against Indonesian agression. Each large 8°, ills. EUR 160.00
118 [UTRECHT, E.] (Introd.), Oost-Timor Tribunaal. Orig. edn.Amsterdam,Komitee Indonesië, s.d. [circa], 1982. Small 8°, pict. plastic wraps., 93pp., some tables, sketch-map, chronology. EUR 35.00
¶ Pamphlet issued by the so-called "Indonesië-Komitee", financially supported by a dutch left-wing political party & some unknown contributors, being a pro-Fretilin booklet: Indonesia before an International Tribunal, accused from crimes against the human race (: atrocities on Eastern Timor). Scarce.
119 VERHEIJEN, J., De stem der dieren in de Manggaraise Folklore. Taken from:"BKI", vol. 106.'s-Gravenhage,Nijhoff, [circa], 1939. recent clothbacked marbled boards. pp.[55] - 78. extensive footnotes. EUR 45.00
¶ Essay on talking animals in folklore of the Manggarai-tribe, Flores, Indonesia.
120 VERHEIJEN, J.A.J., Het hoogste wezen bij de Manggaraiers. Wien-Mödling, 1951. Large 8°, cloth, (xiv), 240pp. with a sketch-map (West-Flores). EUR 205.00
¶ Important study on the ideas of the Supreme Being among the Manggarai population, West-Flores). "Studia Inst. Anthorpos, vol. 4." Rare. (label on spine.)
121 VERITAS (=F. Fokkens), De waarheid in de Kleian-Zaak.Batavia, 1901. sm.8°. recent clothbacked marbled boards, Orig. lower wrap. bound-up. 39pp. Ext.footnotes. EUR 70.00
¶ Apology as written by the former Resident of Timor at Kupang, transferred by colonial government order to general exchequer at Batavia. In this brochure Fokkens contradicts an article as published in a dutch daily "Algemeen Dagblad" dated 20 December 1900, that he [Fokkens] was penalized for his role in the Kleian-discussion; Kleian was a former civil servant at Timor residency with many connections, accusing the Resident of corruption in an article in "Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad"dated 8 August 1900. One of the typical civil "Perkara's" that led a long [paper] life. Scarce. Good copy.
122 VERSLUYS, J.D.N., Maatschappelijke vernieuwing op Timor? In: "Indonesië, 2-maandelijks tijdschrift, year 3-nrs 2-3 (Sept. & Nov. 1949)" 's-Gravenhage, 1949. Original wraps., pp.(130)-150; pp. (202)-214. EUR 25.00
¶ Interesting article on changes in society on Dutch Timor. (a.o. artt.).
123 VERSLUYS, M., Njonja Aspiran. Lief en Leed in de Residentie 'Timor en Onderhorigheden'. S.L., [c. 1960]., sm. 8°. orig. wraps. 88pp. ills. after drawings by author, short glossary at end. EUR 20.00
¶ Privately published recollections of the wife of an assistant-controleur ('Toewan Aspirang'), stationed at Kupang (Timor) and on Sumba, before the outbread of the pacific war.
124 VONDRA, J.G., Timor Journey. 1st. Melbourne, 1968. Cloth, pictorial coloured dj., 105pp., many photo-ills. EUR 35.00
¶ An account of Portuguese Timor. Fine copy.
125 VROKLAGE, B., Primitieve Mentaliteit en Zondebesef bij de Beloenezen en enige andere Volken. Maaseik, 1949. Small 8°, 142pp. EUR 70.00
¶ Results of field-research in Central Timor (among the Belu) & Western Flores, period 1936-1938, with as theme primitive mentality & awareness of sin. (ex-lib. stamp on verso of title.)
126 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), Mgr. Petrus Noyens. Eerste apostolische Prefect der Kl. Soenda-eilanden N.O.I. Een karakterbeeld.Uden,St. Willibrord, 1930. Small 8°, pict. stiff wraps., 192pp., frontisp.-portr. (of Mgr. Petrus Noyen, 1870-1921), folded sketch-map. EUR 65.00
¶ Biography of Mgr. Petrus Noyen, Apostle and Prefect to Flores & Timor (Lesser Sunda Islands). Scarce.
127 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), De Prauw in de culturen van Flores. In:"Cultureel Indië, 2-Aug.-Sept., 1940". Leiden, 1940. 4°. Original ills. wraps., pp.(193)-199 with 9 text-ills. (a.o.artt.). EUR 45.00
¶ Interesting art. on the rôle (ncl. magic, death rituals) in various cultures of Flores.
128 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), Een Held uit de Oost. Slachtoffer van zijn plicht. Heide-Kalmthout-Steijl-Tegelen, Sovendi Presi, 1946. Small 8°, hfcloth, 212pp., portr., ills. on 3 plates, sketch-map. EUR 45.00
¶ Biography of Mgr. Petrus Noyens (1870-1921), missionary & martyr to Flores & Timor (Lesser Sunda-Islands). Scarce.
129 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), Het zondebesef bij de Beloenezen van Centraal-Timor. Nijmegen/Utrecht, 1948. Large 8°, wraps., 14pp. EUR 35.00
¶ Inaugural address (Nijmegen).
130 WEST, F.P. VAN, Geological investigations in the Miomaffo Region (Netherlands Timor). Orig. thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1941. Large 8°, cloth, (XVIII), 131pp., plates, diagrams, large folded coloured map. EUR 85.00
131 WETERING, F.H. VAN DE, De Savoeneezen. In: "BKI, vol. 82". 's-Gra-venhage, 1926. Pp.(485)-575. Ills. on 3 plates (1 depicting a Savun-ese family in full dress), some text-figures, footnotes. EUR 55.00
¶ Describing of the Savunese (Timor Archipelago) after own observations: origin & descent, physical appearance, tribal distinction & organization, slavery, age & marriage, inheritance, pregnancy, tattooing, filing of teeth, housing, games & riddles, war, etc.
132 WETERING, F.H. VAN DE, Het Huwelijk op Rote. Taken fr.:"TITLV", LXV-1/2(1925). S.L.[Batavia], s.n., [....], 1925. sm.8°. rectent limp stitched wraps. 37pp. With a plate depict. females from Rote(Roti) in party-dress. EUR 45.00
¶ An interesting essay on marriage & marriage-custom with the Rotenese (Rote-Timor Achripelago) after personal observations: age, bethrotal of children, dowry, the unmarried, illegal marriage, rank and file, parental consent, fundament of marriage in general, &c...Very good copy.
133 WICHMANN, A., Bericht über eine im Jahre 1888-89 im Auftrage der Niederländischen Geographischen Gesellschaft ausgeführte Reise nach dem indischen Archipel, III: Flores. In:"TAG, 1891".[Amsterdam],K.N.A.G., [...], 1891. recent wraps. pp.188-293. Ills. on 8 lithogr. plates, fold. col. lithogr. map with legenda. EUR 70.00
¶ An interesting and early geographical description of Flores, Eastern colonial Indonesia. The author travelled in colonial Indonesia by command of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society, K.N.A.G.
134 WIELENGA, D.K., Oemboe Dongga. Het Kamponghoofd op Soemba. Een verhaal uit het leven van een heiden. Kampen, 1928. Pict. wraps., 180pp., frontisp., many plates after photos. BUUR, PD, 1061. EUR 20.00
¶ Nieuwenhuys, OISp. pp.488-90. Historical novel on the uprising of Pomboe, a village-chief on Sumba, incl. notes on the progress of christianity, on slavery & horse-thieving.
135 WIELENGA, D.K., Marapoe. Een verhaal uit Soemba. Kampen, 1932. Pict. cloth (: a Sumbanese design), 210pp., frontisp., 11 other plates of a.o. ethnographical interest (: dress, arms, etc.). BUUR, PD, 1177. EUR 30.00
¶ Missionary novel situated on Sumba (: Lesser Sunda-Islands) with notes on slavery, horse-thieving by an "Omboe" (=Head). (fore-edge foxed.) Nieuwenhuys, OISp. (1972), pp.488-90 ff.
136 WIELENGA, D.K., De Zending op Soemba. (2nd edn., revised & updated by T. van Dijk & P.J. Luijendijk). Hoenderloo, 1949. Small 8°, cloth, orig. pict. dj., 311pp., 24 ills. on 11 photo plates, folded sketch-map, 24 sketch-maps in text, bibliography, register. EUR 55.00
¶ The best edn. of this work on missionary labour on Sumba. The author not only describes the progress of christianization on Sumba (1881-1949) but also supplies much information on the history of Sumba (incl. V.O.C.-time), country & people, indigenous religion, etc. See Nieuwenhuys, OISp. (1972) pp.488-90ff. (bds. soiled.)
137 WIELENGA, D.K., Het groote boek. Orig. edn. Amsterdam,De Bussy, 1933. sm.8°. orig.pict.col. wraps. 16pp. Text-ills. after drawing by J. Veenendaal. BUUR, I.J., 0566. EUR 25.00
¶ Missionary juvenile with as main charcter the son of a Sumbanese Village-chief (a "Pomboe"), after overcoming his fear for the missionary ("De Witte Heer") visits the mission-school. Published by command of Youth-commission of the Dutch Bible Association. Nice.
138 WIELENGA, D.K., De Brand van het Zendingshuis. 2e druk.(2nd.edn.). Delft,Meinema, [....], 1941. sm. 8°. orig.pict.col. wraps.(designed ny Menno[Van Meeteren Brouwer]. 24pp. text-ills., of which 1 full-p. after drawings by Menno (van Meeteren Brouwer). Stapled. BUUR, I.J., 0677. EUR 45.00
¶ Missionary juvenile story, by a protestant minister who worked almost his whole life-time on Sumba as a missionary. Describes the construction of a new Mission,- and a Military Post (offering "Pax Neerlandica" to various Sumba-tribes). An unidentified mountain-tribe however feels threatened and sets the Mission-post a fire. Good copy. (light dog-earing).
139 WIELENGA, D.K., Het grote boek. [2nd. revised edn.]. Amsterdam (C.),Jeugdcommissie "Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap", s.d.[....], 1943. sm.8°. orig.pict.col. wraps. 16pp. Text-ills. after drawing by J. Veenendaal. NOT listed in BUUR, I.J., 0566. EUR 35.00
¶ Missionary juvenile with as main charcter the son of a Sumbanese Village-chief (a "Pomboe"), after overcoming his fear for the missionary ("De Witte Heer") visits the mission-school. Published by command of Youth-commission of the Dutch Bible Association. This [2nd. revised], has been slightly adapted, and published 10 years after the orig.edn.(1933). Nice.
140 WIELENGA, J.D., Weerzien op Soemba. Fragmenten uit een dagboek. Baarn, nd.[c. 1930]., sm. sq. 8°. mod. cloth, orig. pict.col. wraps. laid-down. 88pp. many text-ills. ["Libellen-series no. 65/66"]. EUR 45.00
¶ Extracts from the diary of Mrs. J.D. Wielenga (wife of the rev. D.K. Wielinga, missionary to Sumba), covering her trip through Nusa Tenggara Tengah: Bali, Bima, Sumba & Sumbawa, incl. notes on the progress of mission. A good, rebound, copy. Rather scarce now.
141 WOUDEN, F.A.E. VAN, Sociale structuurtypen in de Groote Oost. Orig. thesis [Leyden university]. Leiden, 1935. Large 8°, wraps., 189pp., bibliography, index. EUR 115.00
¶ The social structure of South-eastern Indonesian societies which are charaterized by the matrilateral Cross-Cousin marriages. For the Central Moluccas data are incl. on the Manusela, the Wemale, the Alune & the population of Amahei & of the North coast of Seram, the Islands of Ambon, Nusa Laut, Buru & Ambelau. The social system is analyzed & related to myths in the Timor Archipelago & the Moluccas. Special attention is paid to the SOA & the Dati organization of Seram. Rare.
142 WRAY, Chr.C.H., Timor, 1942. Australian Commandos at war with the Japanese. Hawthorn, 1987. Cloth, pictorial coloured dj., (x), 190pp., ills. & portrs. on 6 plates, sketch-map on endpapers, notes, bibliography, index. EUR 70.00
¶ The 2/2 A.I.C. against the Japanese, mainly based on eye-witness accounts. Mint copy.
143 ZOLLINGER, H. Verslag van eene Reis naar Bima en Boembawa, naar eenige plaatsen op Celebes, Saleijer en Floris, gedurende de maanden Mei tot December 1847. Taken fr.:"VBG 13, 1850" Batavia, 1850. Large 8°, modern marbled boards, 224pp. With folded genealogical tables, a small folded linguistic plate of the Bimanese language. EUR 205.00
¶ Important travel-account to an in the Lesser Sunda Islands, : Bima (Flores), Sulawesi, Saleijer, Sumbawa, suppl. much interesting information on population, geography & climate, &c... Rare. (plate with a large stain.)
GEMILANG 144: Nusa Tenggara Tengah (Flores, Sumba, Sumbawa, Timor & Dependencies)
1 ABINENO, J.L.Ch., Liturgische vormen en patronen in de Evangelische Kerk op Timor (:Liturgical Forms and Patterns in the Evangelical Church in Timor). Orig. thesis. 's-Gravenhage, 1956. Large 8°. orig. wraps., 155pp. Summary in English. EUR 45.00
¶ Thesis Utrecht.
2 ADRIANI, N. & Alb.C. KRUYT, Geklopte boomschors als Kleedingstof op Midden-Celebes en hare geographische verspreiding in Indonesië. With notes, register, supplement and corrections by J.D.E. Schmeltz."IAE", Bd. XIV/XVI.Leiden,Brill, 1905. sm.4°. recent cloth, new endpapers, orig.printed wraps. bound-up. [1], 78pp. Num. col. ills. on 5 lithogr. plates o.o.t., 20 text-figs. and diagrammes, descr. to plates, register and suppl. notes by J.D.E. Schmelz.["Publicaties uit 's Rijks Ethnographisch Museum", Serie II, V°.4]. EUR 650.00
¶ Frontisp. depicts 2 Kayan-Dayak, Upper Mahakam, working on barktree. On the production of clothing from bark-tree:"Tapa", amongst the Toraja of Central-Sulawesi, and the geogr. spread of this technique of clothing-production across colonial Indonesia (:Borneo, Kayan/Dusun Dayak), Sumatra (Batak of Mandailing), Enggano, Ceram, Kei-Island group, Babar, Leti, Kisar, Tanembar islands, Flores, Adonare, Solor, Timor, Roti and Savu, Semau Island (Kupang-Bay), &c...A very important study. Very good copy. Rare. (2pp. with marginal foxing).
3 ANONYMOUS, Kesimpoelan-kesimpoelan dan Kepoetoesan-kepoetoesan moe'tamar di Malino. Komisariat Pemerintah Oemoem Borneo dan Timoer Besar. S.L.[Batavia],s.d.[circa], 1946. orig.printed wraps. 23pp. EUR 30.00
¶ Report on the Malino-conference, being the regulations for Borneo and the Timor-Archipelago, results of negotiations between the dutch and the Indonesian Republic.
4 ARNDT, P.[P]. (SVD), Gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse der Ngadha. Orig. edn. Wien-Mödling,St. Gabriel, 1954. large 8°. orig.clothbacked black lettered boards. Hftitle(verso blank).(xii), 543pp. list of contents, legenda to fold. map at end of volume printed on [2]pp. ["Studia Insituti Anthropos, vol. 8"]. EUR 295.00
¶ Author collected material for this study in loco since 1924, i.e. before the christianization of the Ngadha, a tribe living at Southcoast Flores (Lesser Sunda Islands, Eastern Indonesia), although he remarks that interrelations as studied in this work, have not really changed under the influence of christianity. After a concise description of country, population and indigenous scripture, author thoroughly analyzes social relations among the Ngadha: Marriage and married life, the child, cross-cousin relations, Clans and ranks & files, village-structure, occupations & possessions, judicial structure and penal law. An excellent study. Good copy. Rare.(name on first blank, fr.inner joint somewhat weakening but still tight, corners somewhat damaged, 1 with a bump, bump to upper and lower margin of upper cover).
5 ARNDT, P.P. (SVD), Die Megalithenkultur des Nad'a (Flores). Offpr. from: "ANTRHOPOS, XXVII, 1932.". Wien, (1932). Large 8°, orig. printed wraps., pp.(11)-63, stapled. 8 Ills. on 4 plates, with captions, o.o.t. EUR 55.00
¶ Discussing & describing (:) kota, nabe, vatu leva, etc. (lower wrap. gone, staples rusty, somewh. dog-eared, occas. heavily underlined in ink throughout, some annots. in ink in margins.)
6 ARNDT, P.P. (SVD), Die Religion der Nad'a (West-Flores, Kleine Sunda Inseln)"Anthropos, XXVI, 1931".Wien, 1931. 8°, original blind wraps. with title-label. pp.(817)-861; 353-405; 697-739, ills. on 14 plates, being very clear field-photos, mainly of anthropological nature, but many ills. also depicting housing of the Nad'a. EUR 205.00
¶ Excellent study on the religion of the Nad'a. Rare.
7 BADER, H., Die Reifefeiern bei den Ngada (Mittel-Flores, Indonesien). Orig. thesis. [Freiburg University]. Mödling, 1951. Small 8°, original wraps., (viii), 146pp., 3 sketch-maps, bibliography, extensive foot-notes. EUR 115.00
¶ Initiation-rites as observed with the Ngada of Central-Flores, the first part deals with the initiation-rites for boys (circumcision, tattooing, etc.), the 2nd part deals with rites for girls (filing of teeth), also as compared with other tribes on Flores & elsewhere in the Archipelago (: the Toraja, the DAYAK & on Nias). Scarce. (copy heavily underlined & annotated in ink throughout, by an unknown scientist, lower wrp. loose, stamp on upper wrp.)
8 BANGS, R. & CHR. KALLEN, Islands of Fire, Islands of Spice. Exploring the Wild Places of Indonesia. Orig. edn.San Francisco, 1988. 4°. orig. cloth, dustjacket. (xi), 226pp. Num. fine col. plates and text-ills, double-p. col. map of the area, index. EUR 60.00
¶ A lavishly illustrated work on country and population, natural history of modern Indonesia: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali, Nusa Tenggara (Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores, &c.), Sulawesi and Irian Yaya. Very fine copy.
9 BARBIER, P. Art de l'Indonésie Archaïque In: "Musées de Genève, 217." pp.2-10 a.o. artt. Small 8°, original pictorial wraps. (Geneve, Juillet-Aout 1981). With 8 text-ills. showing Archaic arts of Indonesia (: Nias, Flores, Sarawak, Savu) & a sketch-map. EUR 40.00
10 BASSECOUR CAAN, H.B. DE LA, Uit het Dagboek van Willem Luyke. Zendeling van het Nederlandsch Zendeling-Genootschap. Rotterdam, 1917. Small 8°, pict. wraps., 36pp., portr. & 2 plates. "Lichtstralen op den Akker der Wereld, 23 (1917)." EUR 35.00
¶ Diary of a missionary on Letti.
11 BEKKUM, W. VAN, Manggaraische Kunst. Leiden, 1946. Small 8°, original printed wraps., (8)pp. of text, 52 ills. on 8 plates o.o.t., 2 plans & 2 sketch-maps. ["Koninklijke Vereeniging Indisch Instituut, Meded. no. LXVIII-Afd. Volkenkunde No. 21".]. EUR 70.00
¶ Woordcarvings on houses at Todo & Pongkor, other crafts as found among the Manggarai of Flores. Scarce. (small part of lower right corner of upper-wrap clipped).
12 BINNERTS, C., "Alles is in orde, Heeren...!" Een dagboek van het eiland Flores uit het jaar 1943. Orig. edn. Amsterdam, 1947. Small 8°. orig. lettered wraps. 106pp. EUR 55.00
¶ Diary of a POW May-Dec. 1943, the voyage by SS "Tazima Maru" from Java to Flores & the stay at Maumere-camp. Scarce original edn.
13 BROUWER, H.A., Gesteenten van Oost-Nederlandsch"Ned.Timor Exped. II, Jaarboek Mijnwezen, Year 45-1(1916)".Leiden, 1918. Recent clothbbackedorig.wraps. 194pp. ills. on 12 heliotype plates, with descr. on separate pp. EUR 70.00
¶ Petrogr. research of rocks & sediments of Eastern Timor. (ex-lib. stamps, BPM Library copy).
14 BURGER, A., Voorlopige Manggaraise Spraakkunst. In:"BKI, vol. 103-1"(1946).'s-Gravenhage, [1946]., later stiff blind wraps. pp.[16] - 265. Ext. foot-notes, list of contents at end. EUR 125.00
¶ An important provisional Manggarai Grammar (Flores), with orig.text and transcription, as compiled by a S.V.D. missionary working for an extended time among the Manggarai of Flores. The grammar is preceded by an orbituary for N.J.Krom by F.D.K. Bosch, pp. 1-14, with a portrait. Mint copy. Rare.
15 CALLINAN, B.J., Independent Company. The 2/2 and 2/4 Australian independent companies in Portuguese Timor, 1941-1943. Forew. by V. Sturler (Lt.General), Introd. chapter by Nevill Shute. Orig. edn.Melbourne-London-Toronto, 1953. orig. cloth, title-label on spine. (xxxiii), 235pp. 11 plates, operational sketch-maps, map on endpaper, index. Good copy. Scarce EUR 85.00
16 CAMPBELL, A., The Double Reds of Timor. 1st. Swanbourne, nd. (c.1995), Cloth, pict. col. dj., (xii), 177pp. Portrs., plates, text-ills., list of names of men killed in action, Timor 1942, embarkation roll, lists of names of Platoon-members. EUR 70.00
¶ The actions of 2/2nd. Independent Company A.I.F. ("Double Reds") in Eastern Timor against the Japanese, 1942. Fine copy.
17 COLLINS, G.E., East Monsoon. N.Y., 1937. cloth, dj. 288pp. front., ills. on 13 plates, 2 full-p. sketch-maps. EUR 90.00
¶ Narrative of a trip through Eastern Indonesia, sailing the seas & visiting the Islands. (South Sulawesi, Flores, Timor, etc.). Good copy. Scarce. (some underlinings throughout).
18 CONRAD, J., Overwinning. Roman (Transl. from the English). Amsterdam, nd., Thick 8°, pictorial hfcloth, 380pp. EUR 0.00
¶ Novel situated on Portuguese Timor.
19 COOLHAAS, W.Ph., Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Manggaraische Volk. (West-Flores). In: "TAG, 1942." pp.(148)-177; pp.(328)-360. sm. 8°. modern wrs. ills. on 6 plates (field-photos), full-p. tables, fold. sketch-map with legenda. EUR 70.00
¶ Contribution to the knowledge of the people of Manggarai (Western Flores) (:) life-cycle, birth, marriage, childhood, death & burial, economic position, means of subsistence, geography, climate.
20 CORNELISSEN, P.F., Missie-Arbeid onder Japanse Bezetting. Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Floresmissie. Edited by P.A.A. Steyl-Tegelen, 1949. Small 8°, orig. printed wraps, col. dustjacket. 169pp., frontisp.-port. of the author, ills. on 7 plates, folded sketch-map showing the Apostolical Vicary of the Lesser Sunda-Islands. EUR 70.00
¶ Experiences of father Cornelissen (S.V.D.) on japanese occupied Flores during the pacific war, short periods of internment, visit of some japanese bishops, etc.Good copy.
21 COUVREUR, A.J.L. & B.M. GOSLINGS, De Timorgroep en de Zuid-Wester-Eilanden. Weven en Ikatten. Orig.edn. Amsterdam,Koloniaal Instituut, [circa[, 1935. sm.oblong 8°. orig.lettered wraps., small rectangular illus. of an Ikat on upper wrap. 133pp. ills. on 9 plates, mainly depict. weavings and Ikats, looms & other utensils to be used, 2 plans of the museum. ["Gids in het Volkenkundig Museum, X"]. EUR 80.00
¶ Guide to the Museum of Ethnography/Anthropology, describing the collection of Weavings and Ikats from the Timor-group and South-Wester Islands; incl. notes on technique, warp & weft, looms and other utensils to be used. Very fine copy. Scarce nowadays.
22 DALEN, A.A. VAN, Van strijd en overwinning op Alor. Amsterdam, c. 1935. Small 8°, pictorial cloth, 223pp., frontisp., 2 other plates, full-p. sketch-map, "glossary" by author. EUR 20.00
¶ On christianization & the trials by Dutch protestant mission on Alor (Timor residency). (inscription inside upper bds., some damage to paper inside upper bds.)
23 DAMMERMAN, K.W., Soembaneesche Dieren- en Plantennamen. In:"BKI, LXVI-1/2", [1926].S.L., ['s-Hage],[Nijhoff, 1926]., recent blind wraps. pp.[206]-239. Index of sumbanese names. EUR 35.00
¶ An interesting essay on Sumbanese names of fauna and flora. (last p. of index supplied in xerox).
24 DORES, R. DAS, Apontamentos para um Diccionario Chrographico de Timor. Memoria. First edn.Lisboa,Impr. Nacional, 1903. orig. printed wrs. 66pp. EUR 160.00
¶ Important geogr. dictionary covering Timor & dependencies, incl. the territory of Portuguese Timor. Unopened copy. Rare.
25 DURKSTRA, E. Bastiaan de kleine Timorees. Een verhaal uit de zending op het eiland Timor. [Met een inleiding van R. Oostra.Gorcum, 1946. 12°, pictorial boards, 31pp., with text-ills. by L(ies) Veenhoven, after original photos. "Akkerklokjes Nr. 11". BUUR, I.J. 0813. EUR 30.00
¶ Missionary juvenile describing the conversion to christianity of a small timorese handicapped boy and his parents, incl. notes on local sorcery by a dukun.
26 ELJENS, O., Quer durch Timor. Reiseerzählung aus der Tropen der Ostindischen Inselflur. Leipzig, 1920. 12°. Cloth, 190pp. EUR 45.00
¶ A German travel-account through the N.E.I., incl. a description of the cities Kupang & Dili, notes on country & people. (shaky copy).
27 ENDERT, F.H., Droogte-resistente gewassen. From: "TECTONA, XXXVI-4." (August, 1946). 50pp. EUR 30.00
¶ Report on draught-resistant crops on Timor as compared with other N.E.Indian regions.
28 FLORES SONGS - A. BEDING (SVD)(text ed.), Paduan SuaraBerchmawan Lagu-Lagu Flores. [Endeh, Flores], S.V.D., [c. 1960]., Tog. 2 45-rpm. records, in original pict. col. paper dos-à-dos slip-case. text of songs in indonesian printed inside, explanat. text in english/dutch/german & indonesian printed on recte of lower side of case. EUR 55.00
¶ Choice-collection of popular & religious songs from Central Flores, Solo by Hilarius Soe Wea, directed by Albert van der Heijden.
29 FOX, J.J., Harvest of the Palm. Ecological Change in Eastern Indonesia. Cambridge-London, 1977. Cloth, original pictorial dj., (xv), (2), 290pp., frontosp., ills. on some plates, text-ills., many sketch-maps of the Timor-Archipelago, appendices, index, extensive bibliography. EUR 125.00
¶ Important study on the Islands Roti & Savu (as compared with TIMOR) & their economy, centered on the intensive use of the Lontar Palm Tree, as contrasted with the "slash & burn" economy of Timor, all in historical perspective in an ethnographical presentation, vital to the anthropological analysis of social change in this part of Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara Tengah). Scarce, in good condition.
30 FRENEY, D., De Samenzwering tegen Oost-Timor. Amsterdam, 1975. orig.wraps. 12°. (36)pp. EUR 45.00
¶ The 1st 6 weeks of the struggle for independence on Eastern Timor (10 Aug.-end Sept. 1975), translated, issued by the (Dutch) Committee for Marxist Revolutionaries.
31 FRIJTAG DRABBE, G.A.J. VON, A photostudy of the worlds Erosion by water. S.L. [Delft], [c. 1990]., large 8°. orig. wraps. 40pp. of text. 15 plates with ext. captions of which 6 coloured, and the original paper 'glasses' inserted in endpocket for 3-dimentsional viewing of plates. "Aerial Photograph and Photo Interpretation, vol. II." EUR 35.00
¶ An interesting review, of which the coloured plates depict. the situation in the Indonesian Archipelago: Lake Sentani, Timor, Sumba. MINT copy.
32 GEDENKBOEK ter gelegenheid van den 25-jarigen Zendingsarbeid op Soemba vanwege de Gereformeerde Kerken in Groningen, Drente en Overijssel, "Tot Dankbaarheid Genoopt". Kampen, 1927. Cloth, 175pp., ills., incl. portrs., on plates & in text, full-p. sketch-map. EUR 40.00
¶ Commemorates 25 years missionary work on Sumba by the Dutch Reformed church. (bds. shaved.)
33 GUSMÃO, X., Timor Leste. Um Povo, uma Pátria. First edn.Lisboa,s.d.[circa], 1995. orig. pict. col. limp wrappers. (xv), 357pp. ills. on some plates, some facsims. after original documents & letters, fold. sketch-map, some biogr. notes on author. EUR 95.00
¶ On the struggle for independence of Eastern Timor, against the Suharto-administration, by one of its foremost leaders. Fine copy.
34 HANDBILL-BLAMEY, TH. A. ( General Sir), Proclamatie van Generaal Sir Thomas Blamey; AAN DE BEVOLKING van Borneo, Timor, Ceram, Ambon, Kai Aroe, Tanimbar, de eilenden in de Arafoera Zee, Britisch Nieuw Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, Solomons, Bougainville and nabij gelegen eilanden.../Maloemat dari djenderal Sir Thomas Albert Blamey... S.L.,2 September, 1945. tall slim 8°. Two sheets sized 15x28cm. Printed recte/verso in english and malay. EXTRA ADDED: the Same Proclamation in JAPANESE language: 1 sheet. 15x21 cm. printed on recte only. EUR 295.00
¶ Proclamation of the Australian C.In.C., General Sir A. Blamey, directed to the P.O.W., the Population of Eastern Indonesia & to the Japanese forces, announcing the Surrender of the Japanese Empire. Very well preserved. Rare.
35 HEERING, J., Geological Investigations in East Wetar, Alor and Poera Besar. (Eastern Lesser Sunda Islands). Orig. edn. Orig.thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1941. large 8°. orig. wraps. (xvi), 125pp. ills. on 14 plates, text-figures, 5 large fold. maps. EUR 70.00
36 HEERKENS, P. (SVD), Lieder der Florinesen. Sammlung 140 Florinesischer Lieder und 162 Texte mit Übersetzung aus dem Sprachgebiete der Lionesen, Sikanesen, Ngada's und Manggaraier. Transl. into the German language by E.D. KUNST (Sr.). Leiden-Koeln, Brill, 1953. Large 4°, original printed wraps., (2), 197pp. Plate-(portr. of Heerkens), many music-scores in text & full-p. EUR 215.00
¶ Collection of songs for (a.o.) (:) babies, children, mocking-songs, love-songs (a.o. Néké & Palé), mourning-songs, songs of Portugese offspring in SIKA, etc. Unopened copy. In near fine condition. Rare.
37 HEERKENS, P., Ola Wolo. De bruine Slaaf. Roman uit de Timor Archipel. Orig. edn.Eindhoven,"Lecturis", [....], 1938. orig. decorated wraps, designed by L. v. Vethel, after a Florinese Ikat design.220pp. some music-scores, list of main dramatis personae, concise glossary. BUUR, PD, 1357. EUR 55.00
¶ Novel after authentic experiences of a Roman-catholic missionary who worked for an extended time on Flores, colonial Indonesia, with as central theme the occurrance of Slavery in residency Lio (Flores). Nice copy. (some occas. light marginal foxing, incl. foxing of front-edge).
38 HEERKENS, P., Van Katoen tot Ikat-Doek. Studie over het Ikatten onder Sikaneezen op Flores. In:"Cultureel Indië", VI-Jan./Feb. 1944. Leiden,E.J. Brill, 1944. 4°, original yellow wraps., 47pp., richly illustrated. EUR 40.00
¶ An excellent essay, lavishly illustrated, on the art of Ikat amongst the Sikanese-tribe, Flores, colonial Indonesia, by a S.V.D. missionary who worked on Flores for an extended time.
39 HEYNEN, F.C. (Priest), Schetsen uit de Nederlandsch-Indische Missie. De Kerkelijke Statiën op Flores.'s-Hertogenbosch-Amsterdam, 1876. sm.8°. recent clothbacked orig. yellow printed wraps. 100, [1]pp. (list of contents. hftitle (verso blank), 7 woodcut plates of which a portr. of Hubert van Rijckevorsel. EUR 160.00
¶ Report on the Stations of the Cross on Flores, her history and progress of mission. Very rare. (lightly dog-eared copy).
40 IAHA, B., Aanteekeningen over het Landbouwritueel in het Rijk Rahawatoe op Midden-Soemba."BKI, 98-1/2"(c.1939).['s-Gravenhage, c. 1939]., orig.blind wrs. pp. (225)-246. Text in Sumbanese language with notes by C. Nooteboom. EUR 30.00
¶ essay describing a rice-ritual in Central Sumba (Rahawatoe), Lesser Sunda Islands, colonial Indonesia. (wrs. somewh. wrinkled).
41 INSO, J. DO, Timor-1912. Orig.edn. Lisboa,Ministério do Ultramar, s.d.[circa], 1913. sm. 8°. orig.pict.col.wraps. 238pp. fold. sketch-map of the operation-theatre, with legenda. EUR 80.00
¶ Account of the 1912 rebellion in Portuguese Timor & the suppression. Scarce. (upper wrp. gone, somewh. dog-eared.)
42 JOHANN, A.E., Kulis, Kapitäne und Kopfjäger. Fahrten und Erlebnisse zwisschen Peking und der Timor-See. 1st. Berlin, 1936. Cloth, 270pp. Sketch-map on endpaper, 40 ills. on plates. EUR 55.00
¶ Nice copy. (marg. annots in pencil.)
43 JONKER, J.C.G., Soembawareesche teksten met vertaling. In:"BKI, vol. 92-2"(1934).'s-Gravenhage, [1934]., limp blind wraps. pp. [211] - 334. Extensive foot-notes. EUR 125.00
¶ Coll. of original Sumbawarese texts with transcription into dutch. Fine copy. Rare.
44 JOSSELIN DE JONG, J.P.B. DE, Oirata, a Timorese settlement on Kisar. Amsterdam, 1937. large 8°. (1), 289pp. with a plate, extensive vocubalary Timorese-English. "VKA, afd. Letterkunde, nwe. reeks, vol. XXXIX, Studies in Indonesian Culture, I". EUR 205.00
¶ Text printed in 2 collumns: in Timorese language/English transcription. Very important report of Ethno-linguistic fieldwork. Rare. Very good copy.
45 KATE, H.F.C. TEN, Verslag eener Reis in de Timor-groep en Polynesië. In:"TAG", 2e serie Vol. VIII. [Batavia], s.n., s.d.[circa], 1895. later black cloth. pp. 195-246; pp.333-390; pp.541-638; pp.765-822. Ills. on 12 plates, some sketch track-maps. EUR 775.00
¶ Detailed report of a nineteenth century voyage through the Timor Archipelago, undertaken by command of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society, K.N.A.G., suppl. early information of population, cults and customs, arts & crafts, means of subsistence, family-life, pagan regigion, clothing and housing, bodily ornamentation, &c... of respectively Flores (incl. a description of Endeh), Sika, Lio, Larantoeka, Adonare-Solor; Timor (incl. a descr. of Kupang), Amrasi, Amfoang; The Island of Sumba, and finally Polynesia. Plates depict. a.o. tattoo-motives, local architecture, tombs and death-poles, Arms and Armour, locals in typical dress, &c...A very good copy. Scarce.
46 KEMMERLING, G.L.L., Vulkanen van Flores. Bandoeng, 1929. orig. lettered wraps. (x), 138pp. 29 text-figs, bibliogr., english summary. "Vulkanologische en Seismologische Mededeelingen, No. 10". EUR 40.00
¶ An interesting survey of the young volcanic mountain masses in the Island of Flores, Indonesia. (ex-lib. stamp on upper wrap. and on title, light dog-earing, some sunning near spine).
47 KING, M., Eden to Paradise. London,"Book Club", 1963. Cloth, 188pp., col. frontisp. ills. on 12 plates, mainly of ethnographical & anthropological interest, sketch-map. EUR 55.00
¶ Describes life and customs on the territory of Portuguese Timor.
48 KLEIWEG DE ZWAAN, J.P. Oude Urn-schedels van Melolo (Oost-Soemba) Offpr. S.l., c. 1938. Pp.(340)-362, modern limp wraps. stitched. with a plate, full-p. tables. EUR 30.00
¶ Description & analysis of the Urn-field at Melolo (Eastern Suma), incl. descriptions of skulls, with dimensions.
49 KRUYT, A.C., De Timoreezen. In:"BKI,79-3"(1923).'s-Gravenhage, 1923. orig.wraps. pp. 350-520. a.o.artt EUR 15.00
50 KRUYT, A.C., De Soembaneezen. In:"BKI" (1929).'s-Gravenhage, 1929. slim 8°. recent clothbacked blind wrs. pp.(466)-608. EUR 65.00
¶ A lemgtjhy description, by a dutch Protestant missionary, of customs & life-cycle of the of the population of Sumba, lesser Sunda Islands, colonial Indonesia, collected during a visitation-trip Sept.-Oct. 1920.
51 KUNST, J., Over zeldzame Fluiten en veel-stemmige Muziek in het Ngada- en Nageh-Gebied. [Batavia], 1931. sm. 8°. wrs. 21pp. ills on plates o.o.t., showing double-flutes, music-scores. ["Oudheidkundige Dienst in Nederl.-Indië, Musicologisch onderzoek", I]. EUR 70.00
¶ A musicological investigation into rare flutes and music arranged for several voices as found amongst the Ngada- and Nageh-tribes, Western Flores, colonial Indonesia. Rare.
52 KUNST, J. De Volken van den Indischen Archipel. Leiden, 1946. sm. 8°. orig. wraps. 8pp. of text. ills. on 16 plates o.o.t., 2 fold. maps at end. ["Kon.Indisch Instituut, Meded. no. LXV, Afd. Volkenkunde No. 19"]. EUR 20.00
¶ Merely a photogr. account of the population of the Timor Archipelago.
53 LAINS E SILVA, H., Timor e a Cultura do Café. [Lisboa], 1956. Square 8°, original limp wraps., (xiii), 190pp., plate, ills. on 37 plates o.o.t., 2 large folded coloured maps, with legenda, o.o.t., showing the spread of Coffee-plantations on Portuguese Timor, extensive bibliography, register, incl. list of plates. EUR 80.00
¶ On the coffee-cultivation on Portuguese Timor, with data on export, some plates also of ethnographical interest (showing indigenous women's dress (coffee-picksters), some of indigenous houses & housing). Totally unopened copy. "Mem. série de agronomia tropical, I."
54 LAMEIRAS-CAMPANOLO, M.-O. & H. CAMPANOLO, Rythmes et Genres dans la Littérature Orale des Fatalaku de Lohere (Timor) - B. CLAMAGIRAND, Li'i Marapu, Parole et Rituel chez les Wewewa de Sumba Ouest-a. 10 oth. artt. on oral literature. Paris, 1979. Large 8°, original wraps., 406pp., some text-figures & ills. after drawings, some sketch-maps, bibliographies. "Asie du Sud-Est et Monde Insulindien, CeDRASEMI, X, 2,3,4". EUR 70.00
¶ This volume has entirely been devoted to oral literature of Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Madagascar. (wrps. somewh. sunned).
55 LAMMERS, H.J., De Physische Anthropologie van de bevolking van Oost-Dawan (Noord-Midden-Timor). Orig. thesis (Leiden University).Leiden, 1948. Orig. private cloth, title in gilt on front boards. 320pp., many portrs. of timorese females and males on 17 plates, mainly out-of-text, numerous graphs, tables, diagrams and sketch-maps, in text, and full-page, statistics on 1 extending leave loosely inserted, extensive english summary, bibliogr. and list of tables at very end. EUR 275.00
¶ A very important physical-anthropological study on the population of East-Dawan, North Central Timor, based upon the material on East-Dawan as collected by Dr. A.G. Vroklage, during his ethnological and anthropological study-tour through Flores and Timor, 1936-1938. This, uncut, copy has especially been bound for and presented to Prof. Dankmeijer, his signature in corner of title-page and dated 29 Sept. [19]'48. A very fine copy. Rare. .
56 LAMSTER, J.C., Ikatdoeken. In:"Onze Aarde", year 3 no. 4(April 1930). S.L.,s.n., 1930. Small 4°, pp.146-154. Coloured plate, many text-ills. of Ikats, some figures of primitive looms. EUR 25.00
¶ Ikats from Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores, Timor, Sulawesi.
57 LEROUX, C.C.F.M., De Elcano's tocht door den Timor-Archipel met Magelhaes' schip "Victoria". Weltevreden, nd.[c.1930]., orig.wraps. 99pp. front., 3 facs. maps on plates, ills. on 4 plates, glossary, fold. col. track-map, glossary & notes. EUR 100.00
¶ Account by Pigafetta of the voyage of De Elcano through the Timor Archipelago.
58 LOEBER, J.A., Timoreesch snijwerk en Ornament. Bijdrage tot de Indonesische Kunstgeschiedenis. 's-Gravenhage, 1903. Large 8°, original wraps., 82pp. Frontisp., 148 ills. on 22 plates o.o.t., many text-figures, ills., showing ornamental design & woodcarving in TIMOR. EUR 115.00
¶ Rare. (wraps. somewh. worn & soiled, stain on fore-margin of fly-leave.)
59 [MANAFE, D.P.], Proeve eener beknopte spraakkunst van het Rottineesch. Pref. by H. Kern. Taken fr.:"BKI, 38", 1889.S.L.['s Hage],[Nijhoff], 1889. sm.8°. recent blank wraps. pp.[632]-648. Stapled. EUR 70.00
¶ Concise preliminary grammar of the Roti-language compiled by an indigenous teacher working at Bali, Island of Rote[Roti], Lesser Sunda group. Unopened copy. Rare.
60 MARTINHO, J.S., Problemas Administrativos de Colonizaçao da Provincia de Timor. Porto, 1945. sm. thick 8°. pict.stiff wrs. 286pp. EUR 70.00
¶ The structure and problems of Poruguese colonial administration of Timor Leste, under the administration ofTéofilio Duarte. (wraps. soiled & frayed)
61 MATHIJSEN, A., Eenige Fabels en Volkslegenden van de onderafdeeling Beloe op het Eiland Timor. Met een Aanhangsel door N. Adriani: Eenige parallellen in de Indonesische letterkunde van de door Pastoor A. Mathijsen medegedeelde Tetoemsche Verhalen.Batavia-'s-Hage,Albrecht/Nijhoff, 1915. Large 8°., recent green cloth, new endpapers, 96pp. Footnotes. ["VBG", LXI/part 2]. EUR 75.00
¶ A collection of tog. 17 folk-tales and legends from the Belu, Timor in tettum-language, translated into dutch with explanations by a roman-catholic missionary who worked for an extended time amongst the Belu of dutch Timor. The supplement by N. Adriani compares the tales parallell to other Indonesian sources. Very good copy. Scarce.
62 MATHIJSEN, A., Tettum-Hollandsche Woordenlijst met beknopte Spraakkunst. Batavia-'s Hage, Albrecht/Nijhoff, 1906. modern cloth. (xiv), 145pp. [" VBG", LVI-2] EUR 450.00
¶ A very important and early attempt of a glossary of the Timorese language (tettum or tetum) incl. a preliminary grammar, as composed by a dutch roman-catholic missionary who worked on Timor for an extended time. Very good copy. Rare.
63 METELLO, A.A., Timor Fantasma do Oriente. Lisboa, 1923. 12°, pictorial coloured wraps., 97pp. "Bibl. de Accao Nacionalista"series. EUR 70.00
¶ Scarce.
64 MIDDELKOOP, P., Een studie van het Timoreesche Doodenritueel. Ban-doeng, 1949. Large 8°, (1), 341pp. Ills. on 3 plates, register, errata. Incl. Timorese texts, transl. & annotated. "VBG, LXXVI." EUR 80.00
¶ A fundamental study on Timorese death- & burial-rites from own observations & research. (slightly dog-eared copy.)
65 MIDDELKOOP, P., Proeve van een Timorese Grammatica. In:"BKI, 106 (1950)".['s-Gravenhage, 1950]., recent blind limp wraps. pp. 375-517. foot-notes, supplement being corrigenda on the glossary by E.F. Kleian. EUR 125.00
¶ Specimen of a timorese grammar. Scarce.
66 MIDDELKOOP, P., Curse-Retribution-Enmity as data in natural religion especially in Timor, confrontation with the scripture. Orig. thesis [Utrecht university]. Amsterdam, Jacob van Campen, 1960. Orig.wraps.168pp.,ext.footnotes at end, list of abbrev.used, bibliography, summary in Bahasa Indonesia. EUR 95.00
¶ Incl. orig. texts in tettum at end as appendices with translation into english. Good copy. Scarce.
67 MOREIRA, A., O Drama de Timor. Relatório da O.N.U. sobre a Descolonizacao. (Lisboa), 1976. printed stiff wrs. 142pp. EUR 100.00
¶ On the rôle of the UN-Forces in the 'decolonization' of (Portuguese) Timor. Fine copy.
68 MORRIS, I., This War against Japan. Thoughts on the present conflict in the Far East. 1st. London, 1943. Small 8°, cloth, 119pp., 64 ills. on 16 plates o.o.t., index. EUR 70.00
¶ Text & ills cover mainly the actions of U.S. & Australian troops on New Guinea & Timor. Interesting.
69 NICOL. B., Timor. The Stillborn Nation. Orig.edn.Melbourne-Norwalk(CT), 1978. sm.8°. orig. stiff glossy pict.wraps. (ix), 328pp. Glossary, 2 sketch-maps on a leave, bibliogr., index. EUR 45.00
¶ The course of Portuguese Timor's de-colonization and its aftermath described by an eye-witness. Fine copy.
70 NIERMEYER, J.F., De Kustlijnen van Timor en Roti. In: "TAG, 1901". Small 8°, wraps. pp. 274-276. sketch-map. EUR 15.00
¶ Coast-lines of Timor & Rote described.
71 NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J., Eenige voorbeelden van het Ornament op de Weefsels van Soemba. In:"NION, 11-9".(January 1927).Amsterdam, 1927. Small 4°. orig. decor. wraps. pp.259-288, with 30 mainly full-p. very detailed plates. EXTRA ADDED: C.FRANS, Iets over Timoreesche Ikat-weefsels."Oedaya". S.L., s.n.[c.1927]. sm. 2°. printed in 2 collumns, tipped-in on recte of upper wrap. AND: J.C.LAMSTER, Ikatdoeken. S.L., s.n. Article taken from an unidentified dutch periodical ("Oedaya"?}. Tipped-in on recte(blank) of the article by C. Frans, A-4 sized, printed in 2 collumns, recte/verso. EUR 115.00
¶ An important essay on the application of ornamentation in Sumba Ikats, after personal observation. The article by C.Frans is an essential compilation of a speech on Timorese Ikats; the third article by J.C. Lamster deals with the technique of Ikat-weaving in general and especially as observed on Sumba, Sumbawa and Timor. All three artt. of great importance. Scarce.
Good copy. Scarce.
72 NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J., Zwerftochten door Timor en Onderhoorigheden. [2nd edn.] Amsterdam, "Elsevier", 1925. Large 4°, original gilt tooled & lettered cloth, large gilt vignette on both sides in Timorese Art-style, 175pp. of text, vignette on 1st blank, large title-vignette, title printed in red & black. Many plates, text-ills., vignettes, initials, head-&-tail pieces all after drawings by author, 2 sketch-maps after drawings, index EUR 495.00
¶ Much more than a travelogue, merely a lengthy diary describing daily life, art & art-styles, population & curiosities of Timor (:) ornamentation, decorated bamboo, Sumba-weavings, Moko's from Timor, Sumbawa, Letti, Roti, Savu & Kisar. Printed with wide margins in a beautiful style. Difficult to locate good copies. (some slight upper-marginal spotting of 1st blank & title-p., ow. fine.)
73 NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J., Iets over Soemba en de Soembaweefsels. Uit het Dagboek en Schetsboek. In:"NION, 7-10"(Februari 1923).Amsterdam, 1923. sm. 4°. orig. decor.wraps. pp. 295-313. 11 ills. of which some full-p. and after drawings by author. EUR 45.00
¶ Essay, taken from author's diary and sketch-book, describing his first visit to Sumba, 19 may 1918. His observations deal with sumbanese housing, the occurrance of megaliths and a descriptive analysis of Sumba Ikats as collected by author. Interesting. (wraps. somewh. dull, contents fine).
74 NOOTEBOOM, C., De Kleurenpracht van Soemba Weefsels. Tilburg,s.n., s.d.[....], 1958. Small 8°, 15pp. With a diagram of a Sumba-loom. EUR 30.00
¶ Introduction & description of various kinds of Sumba Ikats, being a guide to an exhibition of the Textile Museum at Tilburg, 25 Mei t/m 5 Juli 1958. Interesting.
75 NOOTEBOOM, C., Quelques techniques de Tissage des Petites Iles de la Sonde. Leiden, 1948. orig. wraps. 10pp. Many ills. on 4 plates, 10 text-diagrams & figures. ["Meded. v.h. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde", No. 3]. EUR 45.00
¶ On Ikat-technique from Timor, Flores, Sumba; P. PARIS, Discussion et Données complémentaires à Propos de l'Ouvrege de M. James Hornell: Watertransport, origins and early evolution (incl. S.E.Asia). pp.12-46.
76 NOOTEBOOM, C. Oost-Soemba Een volkenkundige studie. 's-Gravenhage, 1940. 182pp. illustrations on 2 plates, genealogical tables. "VKI, 3." EUR 85.00
¶ Important anthropological study on Eastern-Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Tengah.
77 OOST-TIMOR (TIMOR LESTE) : De situatie op Oost-Timor Een Rapport uit Indonesië. Verslag van gesprekken met vluchtelingen uit Oost-Timor. Amsterdam, Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (Angola Comité), 1977. Small 4°, original pict. wraps., (14)pp. of text, sketch-map in text, stapled. EUR 20.00
¶ Report covering the experiences of refugees from Eastern Timor on the genocide against the people by special Indonesian Army forces. (dog-eared copy.)
78 OUWEHAND, C., Aantekeningen over Volksordening en Grondenrecht op Oost-Flores. In: "Indonesië, 4-1 (July 1950)." pp. [54]-71. EUR 20.00
¶ Social changes in Eastern Flores.
79 PETERS, B., The Turmoil in Timor. In: "Bull. Incorp. Austr. Financial Times, 97-4975 (Sept. 1975)" 4°, coloured wraps., 4pp., illustrated.* Pro-Fretilin Article. EUR 20.00
80 PORTUGUESE TIMOR - Projecto de Organizacao Adminstrativa do Districto autonomo de Timor Elaborado no Districto em 1906. Lisboa, Impr. Nacional, 1906. orig. printed wrs. cloth backstrip. 76pp. some tables in text. EUR 160.00
¶ Important study on the administrative origanization of Portuguese Timor. "Ministerio dos Negocios da Marinha e Ultramar, Direccao general do ultramar..."publ. Rare,.
81 RODENWALDT, E., De Mestiezen op Kisar. Orig. edn.Batavia,s.n.[c.1925]., 2 vols. Large thick 8°. orig. lettered boards. (xvi), 471pp. of text, ills. on 4 plates, numerous genealogical tables in text & full-p. Plate-vol. with numerous folded plates & a large folded genealogical table, graphs. EUR 395.00
¶ Field-research into Kinship & Kinship-relations among the Mestice of Kisar (Moluccas). Very good copy. Scarce.
82 SA, A.B. DE, Textos em Teto Literatura Oral Timorense, vol. I (all publ.).Lisboa, 1961. Large 8°, printed wraps., (xxxiii), 266pp. (1)pp. errata-leaf. ["Junta de Invesigacoes do Ultramar, Est. de Ciencies Politicas e Socias", no. 45]. EUR 100.00
¶ Unopened copy, in fine condition.
83 SANTOS OLIVEIRA LIBERATO, C. DOS, Quando Timor foi notícia Memórias. Braga, 1972. Small 8°, 205pp., full-p. sketch-map. EUR 35.00
84 SCHULTE NORDHOLT, H., Het Politieke Systeem van de Atoni van Timor. Orig.thesis [Amsterdam Free university]. Driebergen, 1966. Small 4°., orig.wraps. 278pp. Ills. on some plates, sketch-maps in text & full-p., genealogical tables, folded sketch-map, list of Timorese-Dutch words, plan of a Timorese House, bibliography, list of notes to chapters, index of names. EUR 135.00
¶ Researching into the political system of the Atoni-tribe of [dutch] Timor. Good copy. Rare.
85 SIMONS, A.L., Geological investigations in N.E. Netherlands Timor. Orig. thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1939. Large 8°, cloth, (xiv), 103pp., 28 figures in text & on 5 plates o.o.t., 1 very large folded coloured geological map loose in end-pocket. Good copy. EUR 80.00
86 SOEKAWATI, P.J.M. (Tjokorde Gde Rake), Presiden Kita P.J.M. Tjokorde Gede Rake Soekawati Melawat dari Poelau ke Poelau di Negara Indonesia Timoer. Orig. edn.S.L.[Bandoeng],AID, s.d. [circa], 1946. sm. slim 4°. orig. wraps, large coloured piece on front wrapper. 55pp. Many text-ills, incl. portrs. EUR 75.00
¶ A tour of duty of the newly elected President of the federal State of Eastern Indonesia, comprising Sulawesi, the lesser Sunda Islands: Flores, Timor, Sumba, Sumbawa and the smaller islands. The political concept of a Federal State of Indonesia was created by the dutch in the beginning of the dutch-indonesian dispute, 1945-1949. The dutch tried to avoid a complete sovereignty for Indonesia at that time, in order to keep the colony under their political control, if failed however. This tour-of-duty was performed by the recently elected President of the Federated State of Eastern Indonesia, P.J.M. Tjokorde Gede Rake Soekawati. Indonesian text only. Nice copy.
87 SOUSA SANTOS, A. DE, Duas Palavras ao Capitão Liberato. A Proposito de <
¶ Two essays on the japanese invasion and occupation of Portuguese Timor, collaboration and resistance, liberation. Fine copy. Rare.
88 STOKHOF, W.A.L., Woisika Riddles. First edn.Canberra, 1982. sq. large 8°. (iii), 74pp. "Materials in Languages of Indonesia No.9/Pac.Linguistics Series D-No.41". EUR 70.00
¶ Orig. riddles from Woisika (Alor island, Timor Group), orig. text with transcription and notes. Scarce.
89 STOKHOF, W.A.L., Names and Naming in Ateita and Environment(Woisika, Alor). Offpr. fr.:"LINGUA, 62-2/3, Oct.?Nov. 1983". pp. 179-207. Stapled. EUR 55.00
¶ Alor-Island, Timor Group.
90 SUCHTELEN, B.C.C.M.M. VAN, Endeh. (Flores). Weltevreden, Encyclop. Bureau, 1921. Large 8°. clothbacked marbled boards, cloth corners. (vi), 522pp. 117 ills. on many plates, of which of ethographical nature, partly by Ch.C.F.M. Leroux, numerous tables in text & full-p, some sketch-maps, large extended coloured map at end, extensive glossary dutch-endehnese. "MEB, XXVI". EUR 430.00
¶ Ills. are for the greater part of ethnogr. & anthropol. interest. Extensive report by the administrator of Endeh: physical geogr., e.g. geolog. appearance, civil, military & indigenous administration, indigenous political structure, taxation, descent & tribal relations, character & morals (marriage & divorce, pregnancy & childbirth, the general position of women, divorce, illness & death, death-rituals, burial-sites, name-giving, religions, taboos, games, plays & songs), arms, armour & warfare, means of subsistence & other economic indigenous features, &c... &c...An important administrative report. Good copy. (ex-lib. stamp on title).
91 SUMBA - DAMMERMAN, K.W., Een Tocht naar Soemba. In:"Natturk. Tijdschrift, LXXXVI-1" Batavia, 1926. orig. wraps. 122pp. ills. on 15 plates, 14 text-figs, , foot-notes, extd. sketch-map. EUR 115.00
¶ An important descr. of a journey across Sumba: the Fauna of the Island, but also ext. parts on Arts & Crafts (:weaving & looms, bead-work, bodily ornamentation), architecture, ethnography & ethnology. Scarce. (spine-ends somewh. damaged).
92 SUMBA - Waarover Spraken zij .. Over Soemba. [Oegstgeest, 1977]. oblong 8°. pictorial stiff wrs. EUR 35.00
¶ Photographical account of tog. 88 ills & plates, with text, on the island of Sumba (: Outer Provinces) to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Sumba-Mission by the Reformed Church of The Netherlands.
93 TAPPENBECK, D., Geologie des Mollogebirges und einiger benachbarten Gebiete (Niederländisch Timor). Orig. thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1939. Large 8°, cloth, (xvi), 105pp., 8 plates o.o.t., 17 text-figures & 2 large folded geological maps in rear-pocket. Good copy. EUR 85.00
94 TAVARES ROCHA, A. & M. LOURDES UBALDO, Foraminiferos do Terciário superior e do Quaternário da Província Portuguesa de Timor. Lisboa, 1964. Large 8°, original limp printed wraps., 180pp., numerous ills. on 19 photo plates o.o.t., large folded table, bibliography & summary in English.["Memorais da Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar, no. 51"]. EUR 65.00
¶ Result of the study of the Fornaminifera from some formations of the Upper Tertiary & the Quartenary of the eastern part of the island of TIMOR. Totally unopened copy. FINE.
95 TIMOR - (PORTUGUESE) ALLIED MINING CORP., Exploration of Portuguese Timor. Report of Allied Mining Corp. to Asia Investment Cy. Ltd. [Hong Kong]. [Hong Kong,Allied Mining Corporation, s.d. [circa], 1937. Large oblong folio, lettered cloth, 107pp. 2 Facsims. of letters (1 directed to the Portuguese Ministry of Colonies), portrs., portrs. on plates, ills. on many plates, of which depicting Timorese & European houses, Dili-bay & harbour, etc., ills. of Timorese people, numerous tables & graphs in text & full-p., 33 mainly full-p. sketch-maps, some half-p., of which many coloured, all with legenda, 12 full-p. landconcenssion-maps with legenda, 2 large folded coloured maps loose in endpocket 1:250.000 (topographical & geographical map). EUR 750.00
¶ A very important report on the agricultural & mineral resources of Portuguese Timor, with as final conclusion that: ... "Timor has oil, gold, mineral resources and agricultural possibilities". Good copy. Rare.
96 TIMOR - DOKO, I.H., Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Indonesia Di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jakarta,Balai Pustaka, 1981. Small 8°, pict. col. wraps., 280pp., many text-ills., some portrs., some appendices in Dutch, bibliography. ["Balai Pustaka", no. 2833]. EUR 55.00
¶ Covers mainly former Dutch Timor.
97 TIMOR - E. Utrecht (Introd.), Oost-Timor Tribunaal. Amsterdam, Komitee Indonesië, [c. 1982]., Small 8°, pict. plastic wraps., 93pp. with some tables & a sketch-map & a chronology. EUR 160.00
¶ Pamphlet issued by the left-wing Committee "Indonesië-Komitee", being a pro-Fretilin booklet: Indonesia before an International Tribunal, accused from crimes against the human race (: atrocities on Eastern Timor). Scarce.
98 TIMOR - EAST-TIMOR NEWS /Informaçoes Timor-leste. Lisboa, 1988. Available: subject-memo no. 2/88 (March 1988) & no. 3 (April 1988). Small folio, (14)pp. of cyclostyled text, stapled. AND: Monthly Memo no. 2/88-3/88 (March-April 1988). Small folio, (17)pp. of cyclostyled text, stapled. ADDED: a subscription-form, dated Lisboa, 16 March 1988. Small folio, (2)pp. of cyclostyled text for the East Timor News. EUR 25.00
¶ Supplying information on the war in Eastern-Timor, the Fretilin vs. the T.N.I., international lobbying in favour for an independent Eastern-Timor. Far from complete, but very interesting however, issued in a limited number no doubt.
99 TIMOR - EASTERN TIMOR - Oost-Timor. De soldaat van Maubere schreeuwt om recht, Fretilin.Amsterdam,Komité Indonesieë, 1977. Tall 4°, pict. col. wraps., 23pp., text-ills., of which some caricatural. EUR 35.00
¶ Brochure by the left-wing committee "Indonesië", discussing the situation in Eastern Timor, in favour of the Fretilin, chronicle of events, military development, arms-supplies to Indonesia by the Dutch Govern-ment, etc... A good copy.
100 TIMOR - EASTERN TIMOR - Timor leste Independente Funu. Boletim da Commissao para os Direitos do Povo Maubere. Publ. in Lisbon. Available: no. 14 (March 1986)-no. 17 (Dec. 1987). Tog. 4 issues of this quarterly Bulletin. Small 4°, original pict. wraps., ca. 54pp. printed in offset, stapled, richly illsd. EUR 35.00
¶ Issued to promote the Independence of Eastern Timor, on the querilla war-fare of the Fretilin against the T.N.I., atrocities by the Indonesian forces, forced Indonesian immigration into Eastern Timor, etc. Publ. in a limited edn. In good condition.
101 TIMOR - PROPINSI NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR Menundju SWA SEMBADA PANGAN 1972. Kupang, KTR. Gubernur Kdh. Propinsi N.T.T., 1967. Small 8°, 40pp. cyclostyled. EUR 205.00
¶ Indonesian Government stamp at end, signed "t.t.d. (El Tari) Let. Kol. Inf. Nrp. 15753." Rare.
102 TIMOR - Sentence Arbitrale rendue en Exécution du Compromis signé à La Haya le 2 avril 1913 entre Les Pays-Bas et le Portugal au sujet de la délimitation d'une partie de leurs possessions dans l'Ile de Timor La Haye,[....]., 1913. Small folio, 45pp., 4 col. border maps, with corrections printed on tissue-guards. EUR 205.00
¶ Arbitrary sentence of the International High Court of Arbitrage at The Hague, covering a dispute between Portugal & The Netherlands concerning border demarcation on TIMOR. Rare.
103 TIMOR - TIMOR LESTE. J.S. DUNN(compiler), De situatie op Oost-Timor. Een rapport uit Indonesië. Verslag van gesprekken met vluchtelingen uit Oost-Timor. Amsterdam, Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (Angola Comité). (1977). Small 4°, pict. wraps., (14)pp., sketch-map in text EUR 20.00
¶ Report, compiled by J.S. Dunn, on the situation on East-Timor: refugees, interviews with refugees, atrocities & genocide by the Indonesian invading forces (ABRI), etc...
104 TIMOR LESTE - AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Power and Impunity. Human Rights under the New Order. Indonesia & East Timor. First edn. London, Amnesty International, 1994. Small 8°, limp pict. col. wraps., 126pp., plates, text-ills., full-p. sketch-map, short glossary (incl. acronyms). EUR 30.00
¶ Describes in extenso the violation of human rights by the Suharto administration on Portuguese Timor, during so-called "Orde Baru" (New Order). Fine copy.
105 TIMOR LESTE - BARROS DUARTE, J. Aindo Timor. Orig. edn.Lisboa, 1981. Small 8°. orig.wraps. 120pp. EUR 55.00
¶ The decolonization-process of Portuguese Timor and the subsequent drama under indonesian administration. Fine copy.
106 TIMOR LESTE - BORJA DA COSTA, F., De Schreeuw van Maubere. Strijdliederen voor het Volk van Oost-Timor. Haarlem, 1979. Small 8°, (26)pp., text-ills. by P. Walter, short explanatory notes to the songs at the end. EUR 20.00
¶ Collection of Fretilin revolutionary songs & texts. "Mandalareeks."
107 TIMOR LESTE - DECOLONIZATION in East Timor [Jakarta, 1977]. Small 8°, 102pp., ills. on plates & in text, annexes (facs. of documents). EUR 70.00
¶ Info on the subject compiled by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia. Fine copy.
108 TIMOR LESTE - DOKO, I.H., Pahlawan-Pahlawan Suku Timor. Jakarta,Balai Pustaka, 1981. Small 8°, pict. col. wraps., 75pp., text-ills. ["Balai Pustaka", No. 2847]. Fine copy. EUR 30.00
109 TIMOR LESTE - FERREIRA, A. (Capt.), O último voo Sobre Timor. Orig. edn.Porto,s.d. [circa], 1990. Small 8°, pict. wraps., 111pp., 6 plates. EUR 45.00
110 TIMOR LESTE - HILL, H., The Timor Story. Orig. edn. Melbourne,s.d. [circa], 1981. Small tall 4°, pict. wraps., 22pp. stapled, text-ills., caricatural drawings, extensive footnotes/list for further reading. EUR 35.00
¶ Describes australian diplomacy towards Suharto, the Timor-question, the Fretilin-struggle. Anti-Suharto. (lightly dog-eared.)
111 TIMOR LESTE - MAGALHAES, A. BARBEDO DE, East Timor. Indonesian occupation and genocide. Oporto, 1992. Small 8°, limp pict. col. glossy wraps., 75pp., sketch-map in text, tables o.o.t. (indices). FINE. EUR 45.00
112 TIMOR LESTE - PIRES, M.L., Descolonizaçao de Timor. Missao Importante? Lisboa, 1991. Pict. limp wraps., 452pp., col. sketch-map, chonology. EUR 70.00
¶ A plea for the decolonization of the territory of Portuguese Timor. The author was Governor of Portugese Timor. Fine copy.
113 TIMOR LESTE - Timor Pequena Monografia. Orig. edn.Lisboa,Ministerio do Ultramar, 1970. Small 8°, limp wraps., 197pp., many text-ills. & plates (depicting a.o. modern buildings, sites, timorese people in dress, dance, timorese houses), tables in text, folded sketch-map, bibliography & chronology of Governors (1702-1968) of the territory of Portuguese Timor. (Timor Leste or Timor Oriental). EUR 70.00
114 TIMOR LESTE - To Build a better Tomorrow in East Timor.S.L.[Jakarta],Department of Information, Republic of Indonesia, nd.[c.1977]., sm.4°. orig.pict. col. wraps.many mainly col. ills. Complementary slip of the Indonesian Embassy at the hague, the Netherlands loosely inserted, and the 3pp. Agreement between the Indonesian Red Cross & the ICRC, A-4 sized, also inserted. EUR 70.00
¶ Special Propaganda-Issue on Indonesian East Timor: from the transfer of power by the so-called 'petition' addressed to the Suharto-administration to further 'development'of the timorese population. Very good copy. Rare.
115 TIMOR LESTE - TIMOR BETWEEN the Superpowers. S.L., 1976. 12°. 16pp. EUR 30.00
¶ A communist (Marxist-Leninist) Pamphlet, strongly anti-Indonesian, on the situation in Portuguese Timor.
116 TIMOR LESTE/EASTERN TIMOR - Indonesië en Oost-Timor. Feiten en Meningen. [Amsterdam],Komitee Indonesië, 1996. large 8°. orig.pict. wraps. 19pp. text-ills, of which caricatural. ["IFM, Jaargang 19, nummer 5']. EUR 45.00
¶ Special issue of a left-wing dutch periodical, suppl. artt., comments and analyses of the situation in Eastern Timor. With artt. as: "Peace Nobel-Prize for Eastern Timor", "Clinton and the so-called Lippo-scandal", "Suharto-regime provoked the July-uprisings in Eastern Timor" and "Churches set-afire in Eastern Timor". All artt. in DUTCH! Very good copy.
117 TIMOR LESTE (Former Portuguese Timor)-Informaçao Monthly. Nrs. 12( Jan. 1987)-Nr. 27(apr. 1988).Tog. 16 issues of this informative monthly covering former Portuguese Timor & the struggle by FRETILIN against Indonesian agression. Each large 8°, ills. EUR 160.00
118 [UTRECHT, E.] (Introd.), Oost-Timor Tribunaal. Orig. edn.Amsterdam,Komitee Indonesië, s.d. [circa], 1982. Small 8°, pict. plastic wraps., 93pp., some tables, sketch-map, chronology. EUR 35.00
¶ Pamphlet issued by the so-called "Indonesië-Komitee", financially supported by a dutch left-wing political party & some unknown contributors, being a pro-Fretilin booklet: Indonesia before an International Tribunal, accused from crimes against the human race (: atrocities on Eastern Timor). Scarce.
119 VERHEIJEN, J., De stem der dieren in de Manggaraise Folklore. Taken from:"BKI", vol. 106.'s-Gravenhage,Nijhoff, [circa], 1939. recent clothbacked marbled boards. pp.[55] - 78. extensive footnotes. EUR 45.00
¶ Essay on talking animals in folklore of the Manggarai-tribe, Flores, Indonesia.
120 VERHEIJEN, J.A.J., Het hoogste wezen bij de Manggaraiers. Wien-Mödling, 1951. Large 8°, cloth, (xiv), 240pp. with a sketch-map (West-Flores). EUR 205.00
¶ Important study on the ideas of the Supreme Being among the Manggarai population, West-Flores). "Studia Inst. Anthorpos, vol. 4." Rare. (label on spine.)
121 VERITAS (=F. Fokkens), De waarheid in de Kleian-Zaak.Batavia, 1901. sm.8°. recent clothbacked marbled boards, Orig. lower wrap. bound-up. 39pp. Ext.footnotes. EUR 70.00
¶ Apology as written by the former Resident of Timor at Kupang, transferred by colonial government order to general exchequer at Batavia. In this brochure Fokkens contradicts an article as published in a dutch daily "Algemeen Dagblad" dated 20 December 1900, that he [Fokkens] was penalized for his role in the Kleian-discussion; Kleian was a former civil servant at Timor residency with many connections, accusing the Resident of corruption in an article in "Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad"dated 8 August 1900. One of the typical civil "Perkara's" that led a long [paper] life. Scarce. Good copy.
122 VERSLUYS, J.D.N., Maatschappelijke vernieuwing op Timor? In: "Indonesië, 2-maandelijks tijdschrift, year 3-nrs 2-3 (Sept. & Nov. 1949)" 's-Gravenhage, 1949. Original wraps., pp.(130)-150; pp. (202)-214. EUR 25.00
¶ Interesting article on changes in society on Dutch Timor. (a.o. artt.).
123 VERSLUYS, M., Njonja Aspiran. Lief en Leed in de Residentie 'Timor en Onderhorigheden'. S.L., [c. 1960]., sm. 8°. orig. wraps. 88pp. ills. after drawings by author, short glossary at end. EUR 20.00
¶ Privately published recollections of the wife of an assistant-controleur ('Toewan Aspirang'), stationed at Kupang (Timor) and on Sumba, before the outbread of the pacific war.
124 VONDRA, J.G., Timor Journey. 1st. Melbourne, 1968. Cloth, pictorial coloured dj., 105pp., many photo-ills. EUR 35.00
¶ An account of Portuguese Timor. Fine copy.
125 VROKLAGE, B., Primitieve Mentaliteit en Zondebesef bij de Beloenezen en enige andere Volken. Maaseik, 1949. Small 8°, 142pp. EUR 70.00
¶ Results of field-research in Central Timor (among the Belu) & Western Flores, period 1936-1938, with as theme primitive mentality & awareness of sin. (ex-lib. stamp on verso of title.)
126 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), Mgr. Petrus Noyens. Eerste apostolische Prefect der Kl. Soenda-eilanden N.O.I. Een karakterbeeld.Uden,St. Willibrord, 1930. Small 8°, pict. stiff wraps., 192pp., frontisp.-portr. (of Mgr. Petrus Noyen, 1870-1921), folded sketch-map. EUR 65.00
¶ Biography of Mgr. Petrus Noyen, Apostle and Prefect to Flores & Timor (Lesser Sunda Islands). Scarce.
127 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), De Prauw in de culturen van Flores. In:"Cultureel Indië, 2-Aug.-Sept., 1940". Leiden, 1940. 4°. Original ills. wraps., pp.(193)-199 with 9 text-ills. (a.o.artt.). EUR 45.00
¶ Interesting art. on the rôle (ncl. magic, death rituals) in various cultures of Flores.
128 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), Een Held uit de Oost. Slachtoffer van zijn plicht. Heide-Kalmthout-Steijl-Tegelen, Sovendi Presi, 1946. Small 8°, hfcloth, 212pp., portr., ills. on 3 plates, sketch-map. EUR 45.00
¶ Biography of Mgr. Petrus Noyens (1870-1921), missionary & martyr to Flores & Timor (Lesser Sunda-Islands). Scarce.
129 VROKLAGE, B.A.G. (SVD), Het zondebesef bij de Beloenezen van Centraal-Timor. Nijmegen/Utrecht, 1948. Large 8°, wraps., 14pp. EUR 35.00
¶ Inaugural address (Nijmegen).
130 WEST, F.P. VAN, Geological investigations in the Miomaffo Region (Netherlands Timor). Orig. thesis [Amsterdam university]. Amsterdam, 1941. Large 8°, cloth, (XVIII), 131pp., plates, diagrams, large folded coloured map. EUR 85.00
131 WETERING, F.H. VAN DE, De Savoeneezen. In: "BKI, vol. 82". 's-Gra-venhage, 1926. Pp.(485)-575. Ills. on 3 plates (1 depicting a Savun-ese family in full dress), some text-figures, footnotes. EUR 55.00
¶ Describing of the Savunese (Timor Archipelago) after own observations: origin & descent, physical appearance, tribal distinction & organization, slavery, age & marriage, inheritance, pregnancy, tattooing, filing of teeth, housing, games & riddles, war, etc.
132 WETERING, F.H. VAN DE, Het Huwelijk op Rote. Taken fr.:"TITLV", LXV-1/2(1925). S.L.[Batavia], s.n., [....], 1925. sm.8°. rectent limp stitched wraps. 37pp. With a plate depict. females from Rote(Roti) in party-dress. EUR 45.00
¶ An interesting essay on marriage & marriage-custom with the Rotenese (Rote-Timor Achripelago) after personal observations: age, bethrotal of children, dowry, the unmarried, illegal marriage, rank and file, parental consent, fundament of marriage in general, &c...Very good copy.
133 WICHMANN, A., Bericht über eine im Jahre 1888-89 im Auftrage der Niederländischen Geographischen Gesellschaft ausgeführte Reise nach dem indischen Archipel, III: Flores. In:"TAG, 1891".[Amsterdam],K.N.A.G., [...], 1891. recent wraps. pp.188-293. Ills. on 8 lithogr. plates, fold. col. lithogr. map with legenda. EUR 70.00
¶ An interesting and early geographical description of Flores, Eastern colonial Indonesia. The author travelled in colonial Indonesia by command of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society, K.N.A.G.
134 WIELENGA, D.K., Oemboe Dongga. Het Kamponghoofd op Soemba. Een verhaal uit het leven van een heiden. Kampen, 1928. Pict. wraps., 180pp., frontisp., many plates after photos. BUUR, PD, 1061. EUR 20.00
¶ Nieuwenhuys, OISp. pp.488-90. Historical novel on the uprising of Pomboe, a village-chief on Sumba, incl. notes on the progress of christianity, on slavery & horse-thieving.
135 WIELENGA, D.K., Marapoe. Een verhaal uit Soemba. Kampen, 1932. Pict. cloth (: a Sumbanese design), 210pp., frontisp., 11 other plates of a.o. ethnographical interest (: dress, arms, etc.). BUUR, PD, 1177. EUR 30.00
¶ Missionary novel situated on Sumba (: Lesser Sunda-Islands) with notes on slavery, horse-thieving by an "Omboe" (=Head). (fore-edge foxed.) Nieuwenhuys, OISp. (1972), pp.488-90 ff.
136 WIELENGA, D.K., De Zending op Soemba. (2nd edn., revised & updated by T. van Dijk & P.J. Luijendijk). Hoenderloo, 1949. Small 8°, cloth, orig. pict. dj., 311pp., 24 ills. on 11 photo plates, folded sketch-map, 24 sketch-maps in text, bibliography, register. EUR 55.00
¶ The best edn. of this work on missionary labour on Sumba. The author not only describes the progress of christianization on Sumba (1881-1949) but also supplies much information on the history of Sumba (incl. V.O.C.-time), country & people, indigenous religion, etc. See Nieuwenhuys, OISp. (1972) pp.488-90ff. (bds. soiled.)
137 WIELENGA, D.K., Het groote boek. Orig. edn. Amsterdam,De Bussy, 1933. sm.8°. orig.pict.col. wraps. 16pp. Text-ills. after drawing by J. Veenendaal. BUUR, I.J., 0566. EUR 25.00
¶ Missionary juvenile with as main charcter the son of a Sumbanese Village-chief (a "Pomboe"), after overcoming his fear for the missionary ("De Witte Heer") visits the mission-school. Published by command of Youth-commission of the Dutch Bible Association. Nice.
138 WIELENGA, D.K., De Brand van het Zendingshuis. 2e druk.(2nd.edn.). Delft,Meinema, [....], 1941. sm. 8°. orig.pict.col. wraps.(designed ny Menno[Van Meeteren Brouwer]. 24pp. text-ills., of which 1 full-p. after drawings by Menno (van Meeteren Brouwer). Stapled. BUUR, I.J., 0677. EUR 45.00
¶ Missionary juvenile story, by a protestant minister who worked almost his whole life-time on Sumba as a missionary. Describes the construction of a new Mission,- and a Military Post (offering "Pax Neerlandica" to various Sumba-tribes). An unidentified mountain-tribe however feels threatened and sets the Mission-post a fire. Good copy. (light dog-earing).
139 WIELENGA, D.K., Het grote boek. [2nd. revised edn.]. Amsterdam (C.),Jeugdcommissie "Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap", s.d.[....], 1943. sm.8°. orig.pict.col. wraps. 16pp. Text-ills. after drawing by J. Veenendaal. NOT listed in BUUR, I.J., 0566. EUR 35.00
¶ Missionary juvenile with as main charcter the son of a Sumbanese Village-chief (a "Pomboe"), after overcoming his fear for the missionary ("De Witte Heer") visits the mission-school. Published by command of Youth-commission of the Dutch Bible Association. This [2nd. revised], has been slightly adapted, and published 10 years after the orig.edn.(1933). Nice.
140 WIELENGA, J.D., Weerzien op Soemba. Fragmenten uit een dagboek. Baarn, nd.[c. 1930]., sm. sq. 8°. mod. cloth, orig. pict.col. wraps. laid-down. 88pp. many text-ills. ["Libellen-series no. 65/66"]. EUR 45.00
¶ Extracts from the diary of Mrs. J.D. Wielenga (wife of the rev. D.K. Wielinga, missionary to Sumba), covering her trip through Nusa Tenggara Tengah: Bali, Bima, Sumba & Sumbawa, incl. notes on the progress of mission. A good, rebound, copy. Rather scarce now.
141 WOUDEN, F.A.E. VAN, Sociale structuurtypen in de Groote Oost. Orig. thesis [Leyden university]. Leiden, 1935. Large 8°, wraps., 189pp., bibliography, index. EUR 115.00
¶ The social structure of South-eastern Indonesian societies which are charaterized by the matrilateral Cross-Cousin marriages. For the Central Moluccas data are incl. on the Manusela, the Wemale, the Alune & the population of Amahei & of the North coast of Seram, the Islands of Ambon, Nusa Laut, Buru & Ambelau. The social system is analyzed & related to myths in the Timor Archipelago & the Moluccas. Special attention is paid to the SOA & the Dati organization of Seram. Rare.
142 WRAY, Chr.C.H., Timor, 1942. Australian Commandos at war with the Japanese. Hawthorn, 1987. Cloth, pictorial coloured dj., (x), 190pp., ills. & portrs. on 6 plates, sketch-map on endpapers, notes, bibliography, index. EUR 70.00
¶ The 2/2 A.I.C. against the Japanese, mainly based on eye-witness accounts. Mint copy.
143 ZOLLINGER, H. Verslag van eene Reis naar Bima en Boembawa, naar eenige plaatsen op Celebes, Saleijer en Floris, gedurende de maanden Mei tot December 1847. Taken fr.:"VBG 13, 1850" Batavia, 1850. Large 8°, modern marbled boards, 224pp. With folded genealogical tables, a small folded linguistic plate of the Bimanese language. EUR 205.00
¶ Important travel-account to an in the Lesser Sunda Islands, : Bima (Flores), Sulawesi, Saleijer, Sumbawa, suppl. much interesting information on population, geography & climate, &c... Rare. (plate with a large stain.)
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Below mentioned book I have in my posession, fully written in the Dutch language.
12 BINNERTS, C., "Alles is in orde, Heeren...!" Een dagboek van het eiland Flores uit het jaar 1943. Orig. edn. Amsterdam, 1947. Small 8°. orig. lettered wraps. 106pp. EUR 55.00
¶ Diary of a POW May-Dec. 1943, the voyage by SS "Tazima Maru" from Java to Flores & the stay at Maumere-camp. Scarce original edn.
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12 BINNERTS, C., "Alles is in orde, Heeren...!" Een dagboek van het eiland Flores uit het jaar 1943. Orig. edn. Amsterdam, 1947. Small 8°. orig. lettered wraps. 106pp. EUR 55.00
¶ Diary of a POW May-Dec. 1943, the voyage by SS "Tazima Maru" from Java to Flores & the stay at Maumere-camp. Scarce original edn.
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